Recent content by dodgykeeper

  1. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    I accept your points in the big post and know where you are coming from. Alternative therapies – if they are any good / sometimes better than the standard medical advice, why doesn’t this always then get reported, analysed, accepted and then replace and become standard? If it means using...
  2. D

    how sad and empty does your life have to be.....

    Never underestimate the importance of a futon.
  3. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    To go back to the possibility our bodies could communicate in different ways, do plants communicate with each other and if so, how might that work? What about the possibility of women living closely together synchronising their monthly cycles. If that is true how might that work too?
  4. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    I wasn’t meaning you referring to them as quacks, it’s the standard system and search results that do. If AK meant what he said, why not change it slightly and say insufficient evidence in his opinion? He wouldn’t lose anything by doing that so there is no sense in deliberately wording it the...
  5. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    Yes, I completely accept what you are saying. If you look at that point in isolation he’s dead wrong and any spike at any time is evidence. I‘m thinking of what is in his head in terms of his overall picture and that he really means he thinks there is no hard proof overall, rather than no...
  6. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    You make a very good case but I still see other possibilities there. I only just clicked briefly on the link but I keep an eye on Spiro so I might have heard that interview already. Ive certainly heard him cover a similar point somewhere. I wasn’t seeing the deception you are and I have been...
  7. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    Looking back at the cdc figures am I right in thinking that cdc and AK agree that from 1 Jan to 8 May there were 2% less deaths in 2020 than 2019? It’s just the shape and trend that are the issues? It would be interesting to see that brought up to date.
  8. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    What do you think about the possibility that our bodies communicate with each other, and with nature in general, in ways we don’t see or aren’t taught about? So someone could trigger a flu in their body by being around someone else going through the same thing, but without the physical transfer?
  9. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    It’s hard to comment too much after just reading what you quoted, seeing it and how he puts it across adds a lot of extra information. It doesn’t really make sense to me either so I think he must be meaning something I am currently missing? If he was going to try to mislead I don’t think he...
  10. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    Yeah, plenty of sense there. We have trillions of viruses in us and it is the claim that we produce them according to our internal environment and it’s requirements or problems at a given time that is interesting. If we all have or could produce a certain virus in certain circumstances then we...
  11. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    Koch’s was first replaced by Rivers, then Fredricks & Relman, we had a look at the requirements on another thread but they sounded less than perfect scientifically, to me at least.
  12. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    There have been a lot of doctors around the world claiming that they have been told to put cv19 on death certs instead of using normal procedures. I personally wouldn’t necessarily take CDC numbers as gospel. From memory the CDC is a privately owned company which owns the patents to many...
  13. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    Mossy, I think you are absolutely right about bacteria because they are self contained living organisms so can transfer, invade and replicate as such. Terrain theory doesn’t exclude that happening, again bearing in mind the limits of my own understanding of what the theory claims. You’ll find...
  14. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    If a virus needs to enter a host cell for more virus to be created, Is it the virus that is creating the extra virus, or might it be the cell? New website, he could have hatched a plot to capitalise on deceit or it just could be that we all need to earn a living and that is his progression...
  15. D

    Interesting Take on Immunity

    There are a British pair called David Parker and Dawn Lester who have spent 10 years researching and writing a huge book relating to germ and terrain theories, including scrutinising all the original white papers and so on. Called “What really makes you ill...”. They have done some interviews in...