A waste of hot breath



Some months back there was a quite ‘heated’ debate on here about whether the Government should run an ad campaign to tell us how to save energy.

I argued that it was unnecessary as never had the public been so aware of the cost of fuel and how it was hitting them in the pocket. There is/was the cost of living crisis and we regularly heard many had to choose between heating and eating.

It was all over the news. It was a hot topic (excuse the pun) and a much discussed one within communities, workplaces and down the pub.

Many of those arguing for the campaign only got involved when it was reported that a cabinet minister had withdrawn funding for such a campaign. This opened the floodgates for the usual lot to vent their anti-Tory fury.

When I said a campaign wasn’t needed, they retorted that a campaign would provide vital new information and they speculated about all the various energy saving revelations we’d be educated with.

Anyways, time has moved on. A campaign was eventually approved. The ads are now out. What do they contain? Well - wait for it - they contain amazing information that will transform your bills and enable you to once against choose both to heat and eat. Yes, you can have your cake …… and heat it (as long as you don’t take it into the office)!

The wonderful advice includes:-

-Turning down your boiler
-Turning down your radiators
-Unplugging things
-Closing your curtains at night
-Not using your tumble dryer as much (well no wonder my enthusiasm for this campaign is dampening even more😉)

Wow. Thanks for that. It was really needed eh. We didn’t know that. But now we do. I take it all back. This campaign is essential and will lead to great energy savings for hard hit families across the UK who previously had obliviously been burning fuel like there was no tomorrow. Thank god for the Government.

I can’t wait for the next essential public info campaign on how to spoon feed idiots.
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It we hadn’t had the months of ‘leaky-loo’ advice I think there’d have been an epidemic of people swimming in self-made cesspits, or drowning in piss.