
Claudia Webbe if anyone's interested.

Currently the whip is suspended whilst she waits to go to trial on harassment charges.

Shockingly I can think of worse Labour MP's than her.
With this quality of opposition the useless cnut in charge of the country could strangle kittens live on TV while licking Michael Gove's face and they'd still get in.
There are 3rd rate MPs on both sides of the House. Christopher Chope or Andrew Bridgen, anyone? It's about wanting to represent your community and having the grit and determination to do it. In that sense, they all deserve a break.
Dianne Abbot and Dawn Butler are the two that immediately spring to mind, the latter is on the Science and Tech select committee so I've seen a fair bit of her in action.

There are no doubt others.
Indeed there are. But the two you mention are easy to scoff at, if you happen to be ignorant. Of course, that would not be something I would possibly accuse you of.
Isn't that rather the point?

Whilst of course resorting to childish insults is exactly what you are doing.
Actually Lost, I was being sincere. I know it's not the default attitude on this Board but I was being genuine. I think you pick out easy targets and there is more depth to both Abbott and Butler than suits your scoffing agenda. That's sometimes how you operate and we both know that. However, I wouldn't call you ignorant.