Hancock has gone

If you cheat you should leave, if anyone cheats on you they need to leave, there's certain base standards and common decency that people should stick to. Cheating in a relationship and expecting it to continue is just cowardly.
I absolutely agree with that.
People fall out of love and people grow apart, that’s life. But the minute you cheat you leave.
More like Boris’s lmmortality and unchastity, surely hellfire and damnation awaits at Peters gate for him, and, and fire and brimstone and that!
Very sad to see Hancock forced to fall on his Sword (A sword that he wielded with such ferocity to cut down this terrible virus in its tracks, through his vaccine planning).

In the end, his charm and charisma, were his undoing as it was plain to see that his Female Aide was encapsulated by her Covid Knight.

The knives have been out for a while know and in the end it was the aide Cumming that was his undoing.

Hopefully he can now take some time out to regroup and deal with his personal life, before rebuilding his career in Government….

Good Luck Matt 👍
I actually agree with those sentiments, it was a sledgehammer to crack a nut it really wasn't that serious at all, in fact the worst thing was taking a capture for his wife and family. No winners in this apart from the person who stuck the camera up and went to the Sun for their few quid.

He really didn't have a choice and I expect he is actually happy to get out of it because he has been top of the Cummings and media hit list.

Politics...... what a devious, dark world it is.
When are any sensible Tories if there are any going to get shut of Boris and his gutless crew ,if not it'll all come down on em and quite rightly too