Harrys' book.

A better post x3. Is this peurile tirade a point of 'necessary change?' I think not. However , there is a serious debate to be had about the place of monarchy. This nonsense from Sussex just happens to coincide with a time in which a serious discussion might be held. However, of itself, the Sussex soap opera is nothing more than tangential.
You seem to be missing the very clear and consistent theme / message / point that is running through the conversation being sparked by Harry & Wife.

It’s far from a Soap Opera…

There’s a serious court challenge going on in the background.

The Press are being openly challenged and called out (which necessitates a considerable media & PR machine)

The relationship (described by Andrew Marr as Corrupt) between Press & Monarchy is being publicly called out and ‘exposed’

The Monarchy itself and the lack of empathy, the cruelty and abuse of those within, the backward attitudes and the internal resistance to change are also having a light shine upon them.

H&M don’t appear to view this as tittle tattle and the attention being drawn to specific incidents and instances are designed to highlight and draw attention and gain human understanding around the impact, effect & reality the activity in which we all engage.

This is about far more than constitutional matters and discussions between grey men in grey suits, it’s about how a rabid media is goading 70+million people to abuse and tear a family apart … It’s about a belief that their en-title-ment entitles the press and the public to poke, prod and treat them like caged animals…

What has developed into ‘acceptable’ behaviour is far from acceptable and it has to stop.
That’s fine. Just so long as the people and causes you’re supporting know you’ll only go so far. And if push comes to shove you’ll probably make your excuses and leave.

“Man the barricades my brothers and sisters!!! Your phone isn’t on record is it?”
A slur Sir, a slur I say...*swipes Mex's cheek with a virtual lavender scented hanky* I will have satisfaction, damn your eyes!
You seem to be missing the very clear and consistent theme / message / point that is running through the conversation being sparked by Harry & Wife.

It’s far from a Soap Opera…

There’s a serious court challenge going on in the background.

The Press are being openly challenged and called out (which necessitates a considerable media & PR machine)

The relationship (described by Andrew Marr as Corrupt) between Press & Monarchy is being publicly called out and ‘exposed’

The Monarchy itself and the lack of empathy, the cruelty and abuse of those within, the backward attitudes and the internal resistance to change are also having a light shine upon them.

H&M don’t appear to view this as tittle tattle and the attention being drawn to specific incidents and instances are designed to highlight and draw attention and gain human understanding around the impact, effect & reality the activity in which we all engage.

This is about far more than constitutional matters and discussions between grey men in grey suits, it’s about how a rabid media is goading 70+million people to abuse and tear a family apart … It’s about a belief that their en-title-ment entitles the press and the public to poke, prod and treat them like caged animals…

What has developed into ‘acceptable’ behaviour is far from acceptable and it has to stop.
OK, OK, if you want the job of film trailer voice over, it's yours. I'd been holding out for David Tennant, actually.
OK, OK, if you want the job of film trailer voice over, it's yours. I'd been holding out for David Tennant, actually.

It’s a serious point though… And it’s one that the press are actively trying to shift the pubic gaze away from…

When you read the book, listen to the actual conversations and then reflect on how this is being spun…

It’s like Harry says in the book in regard to Diana.. The press were calling the Queen cold hearted for not being in London, stirring up nonsense about half mast flags at Buckingham Palace when their faces were reflected in the car window as they photographed his dying mother, instead of offering help after they had just forced the crash…They were the ones to blame gor her death, yet they managed to turn the public against the Queen.

Then (just like now) they’re trying to shift the conversation, go on the attack and divert attention…

Ultimately THEY are the problem (not the constitution)…
I particularly liked the narration of this bit…

“I looked at Willy, really looked at him, perhaps for the first time since we were little, taking in every detail: his familiar scowl, which had always been the norm in his dealings with me. His baldness was alarming and much more advanced than mine. The familiarity of his face with our mother’s had eroded over time and now he just looked like a silly old balding tosser with a prune faced wife”
It’s very searing isn’t it…..he’s quite the writer and I would suggest may be up for a host of International literary awards 👍
I imagine that BFC is just having some fun at the expense of our noble and respected king to be, (if he doesn’t peg it before Charles), and that the narration doesn’t actually contain this paragraph, though I can see how ‘silly old balding tosser’ might offend some people
I particularly liked the narration of this bit…

“I looked at Willy, really looked at him, perhaps for the first time since we were little, taking in every detail: his familiar scowl, which had always been the norm in his dealings with me. His baldness was alarming and much more advanced than mine. The familiarity of his face with our mother’s had eroded over time and now he just looked like a silly old balding tosser with a prune faced wife”
I think that 'Wills' Baldness' as opposed to Harrys head (and colour) of hair must be a factor in their 'relationship'. i.e. 'brotherhood'.
You don't understand my point. What we are witnessing with Sussex is a puerile tittle tattle argument about his personal treatment. Social media and the redtops are not the media through which the British Constitution should be discussed. You can call that snobbery if you wish. I prefer that people from all walks of life be consulted through Intelligent debate. Join a political party and become a part of the debate. Make serious online statements, join in national debates but not this childish me, me, me narrative. It shows how gullible and low brow segments of the British Public can be. Grow up.
I think that should read 'perceived personal treatment'?