Has the šŸ done a post match interview

Iā€™m actually looking forward to his post match for once. How does he explain that shambles with tactics, players decision making, and will he have the guts to answer the boos of the fans?
The questions are silver spooned and wonā€™t ever question him from the in-club stuff.

Itā€™s as boring as his brand of football mate šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼

Imagine being 4 points off a play off spot, scored 1 in 4 and dropping your most creative player and one of the best in the League for a home game . I thought he just did that in Cup semi-finals. But that wonā€™t get asked šŸ™ƒ
Iā€™m not a manager. Iā€™d have gone for this today;





If youā€™re gonna hoof it hoof it up to two big lads, not Lavery ffs. 4-4-effing-2. Dembele with a bit of trickery down the wing. Heā€™s our only player that can cross a ball so get him out wide!

I never want to see Ollie Norburn in a Blackpool shirt again. How is this wasted captain? What does he do? What does he contribute? Utter shite
Iā€™m not a manager. Iā€™d have gone for this today;





If youā€™re gonna hoof it hoof it up to two big lads, not Lavery ffs. 4-4-effing-2. Dembele with a bit of trickery down the wing. Heā€™s our only player that can cross a ball so get him out wide!

I never want to see Ollie Norburn in a Blackpool shirt again. How is this wasted captain? What does he do? What does he contribute? Utter shite
The front two would struggle to set the National League alight...and neither would Lavery and Kouassi.
The questions are silver spooned and wonā€™t ever question him from the in-club stuff.

Itā€™s as boring as his brand of football mate šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼

Imagine being 4 points off a play off spot, scored 1 in 4 and dropping your most creative player and one of the best in the League for a home game . I thought he just did that in Cup semi-finals. But that wonā€™t get asked šŸ™ƒ
Yeah I said that the other day about the interviewer, waste of time really isnā€™t it with his questions, same old stuff.

Im trying not to post too much stuff on here, as you could pick fault with most things right now. It just gets me more annoyed.

Pretty sad as I was getting pretty upbeat about this season with Norburn and Pennington signing. I thought Lavery n CJ would do well but Iā€™m way off the mark with 3 of those 4. Itā€™s been a waste of a season apart for the players and staff who can bank their nice little earnings whilst dishing out some of the most consistently dire football Iā€™ve watched for years.

A total borefest. Things have to change.
We appear to have a team of midgets. How many times were we bullied off the ball? How many times were we second to the ball? How many times were we closed down before having the chance of a shot or a cross? I felt a bit sorry for Lavery who appeared to try his best, but, was given no back up and no protection from their no's 5 & 7. No 7 should have been shown a red for his antics off the ball in the first half, and when you look at that off the ball incident and the sending off of Rhodes against Portsmouth it sums up the utterly poor standards of refereeing in this League.

A long day, tweive and a half hours, with Sunday transport, and rain , rain and more rain and absolute crap, once again, on the field.
We appear to have a team of midgets. How many times were we bullied off the ball? How many times were we second to the ball? How many times were we closed down before having the chance of a shot or a cross? I felt a bit sorry for Lavery who appeared to try his best, but, was given no back up and no protection from their no's 5 & 7. No 7 should have been shown a red for his antics off the ball in the first half, and when you look at that off the ball incident and the sending off of Rhodes against Portsmouth it sums up the utterly poor standards of refereeing in this League.

A long day, tweive and a half hours, with Sunday transport, and rain , rain and more rain and absolute crap, once again, on the field.
In future, choose a curry, rather than crap.

Unless a coach with recent success replaces one with a failures hat trick.
The questions are silver spooned and wonā€™t ever question him from the in-club stuff.

Itā€™s as boring as his brand of football mate šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼

Imagine being 4 points off a play off spot, scored 1 in 4 and dropping your most creative player and one of the best in the League for a home game . I thought he just did that in Cup semi-finals. But that wonā€™t get asked šŸ™ƒ
BBC report said we missed a lot of good chances. His fault as well?
BBC report said we missed a lot of good chances. His fault as well?
Well if the BBC said it Wiz it must be true.

You donā€™t drop your best player in games you need to win. Simple as that.

You can say that your football club does stuff wrong you know, it doesnā€™t make you a bad chap. It doesnā€™t make you a good one defending people who donā€™t deserve it either, you should know that šŸ‘šŸ¼
I think heā€™s lucky he had Rhodes for half the season, take him out of the formula and thaw home performances would have had an entirely different outcome.
Well if the BBC said it Wiz it must be true.

You donā€™t drop your best player in games you need to win. Simple as that.

You can say that your football club does stuff wrong you know, it doesnā€™t make you a bad chap. It doesnā€™t make you a good one defending people who donā€™t deserve it either, you should know that šŸ‘šŸ¼
I'm not defending anyone. I would have played Dembele as well, but I don't know the exact details of his fitness after the Derby game.
I think you are out of order with Lavery . He is a capable player if the ball was played to his feet . He was the only player in the first half that even looked like scoring or making a chance.
It's my opinion, so I'll ignore your out of order comment. Injuries have taken their toll and his league goals per appearance ratio must be 1 in 4/5. If Pool are to progress then our so called strikers need replacing.
I think you are out of order with Lavery . He is a capable player if the ball was played to his feet . He was the only player in the first half that even looked like scoring or making a chance.
It's my opinion, so I'll ignore your out of order comment. Injuries have taken their toll and his league goals per appearance ratio must be 1 in 4/5. If Pool are to progress then our so called strikers need replacing.
Its my opinion that my "Out of order " comment was a valid comment . There was no insult intended ,but I have put what I think is a valid argument to point out that Lavery was a capable player and if we actually start trying to pass more in the oppositions half rather then just hoofing it to him , I believe he would get more goals and so would some of our other strikers.

Its my opinion that my "Out of order " comment was a valid comment . There was no insult intended ,but I have put what I think is a valid argument to point out that Lavery was a capable player and if we actually start trying to pass more in the oppositions half rather then just hoofing it to him , I believe he would get more goals and so would some of our other strikers.

Its my opinion that my "Out of order " comment was a valid comment . There was no insult intended ,but I have put what I think is a valid argument to point out that Lavery was a capable player and if we actually start trying to pass more in the oppositions half rather then just hoofing it to him , I believe he would get more goals and so would some of our other strikers.
Lavery does have energy and gives of his best but his first touch, football brain and finishing isn't the best. I'd release him but I'd rather Critchley was moved out first!
I'm not defending anyone. I would have played Dembele as well, but I don't know the exact details of his fitness after the Derby game.
You are right.

When things are going well nobody even mentions Dembo not starting, but when things aren't people will question. I don't know if NC mentioned why in this post match as I don't listen to him (only found out a few weeks ago he had a manc accent!), but perhaps if there was a vaild reason then he should haven spoken up.
In all fairness there were bits where we looked ok. Not great just ok. The same as with many games since Xmas our final ball is awry: too long, too short, or runners going the wrong way. A friendly at the beginning of the season you could say early days players not yet accustomed to one another but after 50 plus games, it points, for me to not very good work on the training ground. I really wonder what the training sessions consist of.
In all fairness there were bits where we looked ok. Not great just ok. The same as with many games since Xmas our final ball is awry: too long, too short, or runners going the wrong way. A friendly at the beginning of the season you could say early days players not yet accustomed to one another but after 50 plus games, it points, for me to not very good work on the training ground. I really wonder what the training sessions consist of.
I did comment during the game that it appeared Joseph and Lavery had never previously met each other.
Critchley out would be a great tonic for the club and supporters. Simon, who knows nothing about football, says 'no'

Think he may change his mind when he sees the empty stands
What a load of crap. He basically said heā€™s run out of ideas, we needed a bit of luck when at this stage of the season the points and goals tell you our season. We needed to be on the front foot???? So tell em in training sessions. Tell em at the start, halftime, and throughout the game. Have your captain and senior players lead by example. Donā€™t as a grown man paid to do a job offer up feeble excuses. Now I know what a qpr fan must have felt like.
You are right.

When things are going well nobody even mentions Dembo not starting, but when things aren't people will question. I don't know if NC mentioned why in this post match as I don't listen to him (only found out a few weeks ago he had a manc accent!), but perhaps if there was a vaild reason then he should haven spoken up.
Or, perhaps there was no valid reason for his (Dembele's) omission, and therefore there was nothing more to be said ...
Ritchie esWeA very friendly club interview, and a totally deluded Critchley, that was total and utter bollocks.fee
Especially when he said I think we made 4 changes ffs does he not remember, also mentioned Cambridge are in good form so basically making an excuse if we donā€™t get a decent result, good old critch making excuses before the game so we arenā€™t all disappointed with the 0-0 draw, well Neil your going to get some serious stick if that happens so get your aggressive clap ready and aim it at a certain place in the north where itā€™s so bad that with wanker signs that even the new hard skinned mark two critchley will be very uncomfortable and possibly think about going for a mutual consent decision with SS at the end of the season