New bath advice


Well-known member
We need a new bath and I wondered whether any of you guys know if I’ll get a better deal with a local company or a National like Victoria plumbing.
The only advice I would give is where ever you get it from make sure you actually sit in it first if you can, we bought one through a local company after seeing one online we liked, they supplied it but we had to pay for it up front to be ordered. It was ok when it arrived and we had it fitted but it was never really the size we wanted.
We need a new bath and I wondered whether any of you guys know if I’ll get a better deal with a local company or a National like Victoria plumbing.
Although they have little on show Sargesons are very helpful and most bathroom/plumbing products turned out cheaper than bigger outlets. Hargreaves on mowbray dr, dear but quality. Also I would get quality taps. Just my choice.
Hunts Plumbstore on Sycamore Trading Estate (Squires Gate)
We ended up getting a smaller one and its fine, and I tried it out in the showroom too !!!
Also definitely go for decent taps too
Sheths in Blackburn. Excellent.
For a rainfall shower... Hans Grohe. It might cost £600 a unit but it’s worth it in the long term.