Who are the far right?

Good question Phil. In the OP, I mean.

Far right / far left ; they are just labels, and shorthand to describe people who have extreme views at either end of the politics spectrum. Usually about social issues, in my experience, like sexuality, religion, race, freedom of speech etc.

In power, there is very little difference between the two in terms of what they do. And their attitudes are borne out of a mixture of upbringing, ignorance, low self-esteem and innate social conservatism about everyone and everything that doesn't fit the prism that they view life through. In my opinion.
Good question Phil.

Far right / far left ; they are just labels, and shorthand to describe people who have extreme views at either end of the politics spectrum. Usually about social issues, in my experience, like sexuality, religion, race, freedom of speech etc.

In power, there is very little difference between the two in terms of what they do. And their attitudes are borne out of a mixture of upbringing, ignorance, low self-esteem and innate social conservatism about everyone and everything that doesn't fit the prism that they view life through. In my opinion.
I don't think your analysis is particularly informed either.
The overriding culture in this country in the last decade or so, is to support anyone who doesn’t work, has different values and beliefs to our historical values and beliefs, decides to come here illegally, commits crimes because they don’t have any money, which is because they don’t work.

Call me right wing then, but I worked hard all my life trying to improve myself and my family and I’ve never been on benefits even though I could have done at times.
Good question Phil. In the OP, I mean.

Far right / far left ; they are just labels, and shorthand to describe people who have extreme views at either end of the politics spectrum. Usually about social issues, in my experience, like sexuality, religion, race, freedom of speech etc.

In power, there is very little difference between the two in terms of what they do. And their attitudes are borne out of a mixture of upbringing, ignorance, low self-esteem and innate social conservatism about everyone and everything that doesn't fit the prism that they view life through. In my opinion.
I honestly don't think the political landscape has ever been more confused

Take Brexit for example and millions of Labour voters voting leave in the Labour heartlands of the North East and West Midlands, that's socialists voting to stop free movement

Then we have Tories jumping to Labour when its blatantly obvious that their views clearly aren't aligned

I'm disillusioned with them all to be honest
The overriding culture in this country in the last decade or so, is to support anyone who doesn’t work, has different values and beliefs to our historical values and beliefs, decides to come here illegally, commits crimes because they don’t have any money, which is because they don’t work.

Call me right wing then, but I worked hard all my life trying to improve myself and my family and I’ve never been on benefits even though I could have done at times.
Can you just clarify for me how 'they' come here to claim all the benefits, yet somehow take all the jobs as well. It doesn't add up.
Can you just clarify for me how 'they' come here to claim all the benefits, yet somehow take all the jobs as well. It doesn't add up.
To clarify, my post wasn’t clear, for which I apologise, I’m talking about those claiming benefits whether they are home grown or not. I have seen many over the years who could work, but claim benefits.

On the subject of illegal immigrants, why take the risk to come here, they could easily avoid that risk by staying in France or any other European country they’ve passed through, what’s the attraction here.
Where did he say they take all the jobs?
It's a generalisation spouted by many.

It's a myth that immigrants claim benefits as well. They fail the habitual residence test that means you have to be here two years before you can claim anything.

And while we're clarifying terms, can anyone explain to me why Brits abroad are ex-pats and not immigrants, going over there taking jobs off the locals?
It's a generalisation spouted by many.

It's a myth that immigrants claim benefits as well. They fail the habitual residence test that means you have to be here two years before you can claim anything.

And while we're clarifying terms, can anyone explain to me why Brits abroad are ex-pats and not immigrants, going over there taking jobs off the locals?
But he didn't say something you are accusing him of saying
Your not getting to me @Phil_bfc deux . Even so, that's why I haven't made a substantive contribution to this thread.
To be honest i would rather you didn't waste your time contributing to this thread as its pointless having a debate with someone like you who just won't take anything on board that other people say

Some Liberal you are, when you are completely intolerant of other views if they don't match your own
I'm not accusing him of anything. I'm moving on the conversation to a further aspect.
Yes you are its above on post 60 where you are asking him to clarify something he didn't say

You said it "doesn't add up" well of course it doesn't as he didn't say they take all our jobs
It's a generalisation spouted by many.

It's a myth that immigrants claim benefits as well. They fail the habitual residence test that means you have to be here two years before you can claim anything.

And while we're clarifying terms, can anyone explain to me why Brits abroad are ex-pats and not immigrants, going over there taking jobs off the locals?
An expat is someone who generally intends to return home permanently at some point, an immigrant generally doesn’t.
Ask yourself, have you ever read on here or elsewhere that immigrants come here taking our jobs?

How does that square with them all being on benefits?

It's a simple question.
Maybe i have but nobody has raised that point on this thread but you and you are asking for somebody else to clarify it

It doesn't make any logical sense
Maybe i have but nobody has raised that point on this thread but you and you are asking for somebody else to clarify it

It doesn't make any logical sense
Again, whatever. Since when was logic king on here.

I've raised a point. Care to answer it?
Again, whatever. Since when was logic king on here.

I've raised a point. Care to answer it?
No I don't, the point is irrelevant as i didn't make it nor did the other poster who you are asking to clarify

How can somebody clarify a point that they didn't even make?
And while we're clarifying terms, can anyone explain to me why Brits abroad are ex-pats and not immigrants, going over there taking jobs off the locals?
That’s an easy one, it’s racial.

I’m an expat in Sweden because simply because I’m Caucasian. I play football with lads from Turkey, Afghanistan and North Africa and they’re classed as immigrants.

It doesn’t matter if they have more useful jobs or speak better Swedish than me either.

It’s bollocks, frankly.
That’s an easy one, it’s racial.

I’m an expat in Sweden because simply because I’m Caucasian. I play football with lads from Turkey, Afghanistan and North Africa and they’re classed as immigrants.

It doesn’t matter if they have more useful jobs or speak better Swedish than me either.

It’s bollocks, frankly.
Does it really matter what words are used for people who come to live in a different country?

I actually thought ex pat as in expatriate means that the person gives up their nationality for a short period of time where an immigrant doesn't yet wants to live more permanently

Will have to have a look at what the United Nations migration dept says

I'm pretty sure it has fcuk all to do with being racial though
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The fact is that illegal immigration is a huge problem for this country, in terms of cost, healthcare, schools etc, and the key word her is “illegal”. The general consensus is that the vast majority are economic migrants and mostly young men seeking a better life. Can’t blame them for that, but if I tried to enter any other country illegally, I’d be packed off pretty quickly.
The far right are easy to spot they're basically the people incapable of working with others either nationally or internationally, also incapable of co-operation. They have failed to adjust to the fact we don't have an empire anymore and claim the country has has gone to the dogs while boasting we're the greatest country in the world. How they cope with the cognitive dissonance I really don't know. On economics they are generally clueless as to how a modern economy works, push policies that only suit the uber rich and everything is a zero sum game. I'll stop there before I write a book.
Does it really matter what words are used for people who come to live in a different country?

I actually thought ex pat as in expatriate means that the person gives up their nationality for a short period of time where an immigrant doesn't yet wants to live more permanently

Will have to have a look at what the United Nations migration dept says

I'm pretty sure it has fcuk all to do with being racial though
Officially and by dictionary definition I am an immigrant but I am never called an immigrant because of the negative connotations associated with the word.
The far right are easy to spot they're basically the people incapable of working with others either nationally or internationally, also incapable of co-operation. They have failed to adjust to the fact we don't have an empire anymore and claim the country has has gone to the dogs while boasting we're the greatest country in the world. How they cope with the cognitive dissonance I really don't know. On economics they are generally clueless as to how a modern economy works, push policies that only suit the uber rich and everything is a zero sum game. I'll stop there before I write a book.
That isn't far right
The fact is that illegal immigration is a huge problem for this country, in terms of cost, healthcare, schools etc, and the key word her is “illegal”. The general consensus is that the vast majority are economic migrants and mostly young men seeking a better life. Can’t blame them for that, but if I tried to enter any other country illegally, I’d be packed off pretty quickly.
You're halfway there Mates but language matters.
That isn't far right
Yes it is. The far right are talking like daleks, seek, locate destroy... there isn't a single international body you haven't proposed leaving, you demonise the ill, disabled and unemployed you are far right, the problem is you don't see the problem and you're in denial. It's our country pal not yours and your vision, such as it is, isn't mine.
The fact is that illegal immigration is a huge problem for this country, in terms of cost, healthcare, schools etc, and the key word her is “illegal”. The general consensus is that the vast majority are economic migrants and mostly young men seeking a better life. Can’t blame them for that, but if I tried to enter any other country illegally, I’d be packed off pretty quickly.
The vast majority of immigrants are legal, through work and student visas. About 1.5 million a year. Compare that with maybe 30,000 in boats. Its miniscule but confected into a crisis to deflect from the omnishambles in all aspects that this Government has made of everything.

Maybe we should worry more about the likes of Lord Bamford of JCB fame absconding owing £500 million to the taxman. Imagine what we could do with that. He's also secretly been selling spare parts for his diggers to Russia.

Let's get more annoyed about that.
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Far right is used too much I agree.

I believe a more accurate and useful term for 90% of this is Populist Right
The far-right are those of you who treat outsiders as the unwanted; who scoff at things being woke without understanding what that is; who look for a greatness in Britain that was only ever a myth; who scoff at "lefties" without understanding what that means; who post threads about the far-right without understanding what that means but make unjustified assumptions all the same; who think it's only about terrorists; who post Union Flag emojis as if that alone justifies their hatred; who...don't really think.
Fair play. I didn’t think this debate would be more than 20 replies.

I am sure a professor of politics could give a more nuanced answer to the O/P. For the rest of us the balance of what is far left, far right or centrist is probably weighted heavily from our own views and likewise what others view us to be.

Irrelevant really - basically some people have balanced views, and some have utter cuntish views 😁