Will there have been any discussions today?


Well-known member
Wonder, what the mood around BR is today and if there have been any long knives sharpened.
I do wonder with so many football experts around the place these days how much the blame is being put on Critchley or has he deflected it nicely to the players?
You’d hope there have been some conversations, as for deflecting it to the players, I’m sure those who are tasked with evaluating, aren’t completely stupid.
He's going nowhere, according to all the know-alls on here.
The fact is, anyone in any industry can get potted at anytime. Nobody on here can possibly have the insight to know any different.
We're in the top 10. He's not going anywhere.
No I don't think so. I don't even think as far as SS is concerned he has under performed either. I honestly don't think his brief was promotion or bust. I think it was stabilise, build and promotion within 2-3 yrs. I'm not saying I agree but that's what I think it was. If I was NC though I'd be wanting funds for next season otherwise nout will change with these players.
4 year contract…..😵‍💫🔫….
Don’t think they mean much to be fair - they’re absolutely loaded with get out clauses and are there in case there’s outside interest.

Take Appleton for an example, he got a 4 year deal, but from his bargaining position there’s no chance it’s a straight up 4 year deal. If they want to get rid, they’ll be able to.

The question is, does Sadler want to?
No I don't think so. I don't even think as far as SS is concerned he has under performed either. I honestly don't think his brief was promotion or bust. I think it was stabilise, build and promotion within 2-3 yrs. I'm not saying I agree but that's what I think it was. If I was NC though I'd be wanting funds for next season otherwise nout will change with these players.
I doubt he will be potted and I don’t personally mind the plan of promotion within 3 seasons, what I and many others won’t agree with is the style of play we have served up the majority of this season, it’s utterly depressing. Personally I saw something yesterday that I hadn’t seen this season, players having a proper pop at each other….it doesn’t seem a great place at the minute. A fair few players have stagnated or gone backwards in their ability and I solely put that done to the coach. We game very good numbers away and the home numbers are decent, unfortunately both are going to drop drastically if this carries on. So frustrating as has been done to death, we appear to be throwing massive opportunities away with both league placings and growth of fanbase
There was a get out clause as there always is.
Didn't the compensation end when he got the Charlton job? I though that was the usual contractual arrangement although it could be that there was some negotiation on severance pay.
"Not the best yesterday was it Neil? Never mind, it was a tight game, narrow margins and all that jazz. What sandwiches do we have on today? Tuna Mayo? Lovely."
The next discussions will be when L1 football is confirmed and who we want to try to extend deals on. We need to start planning for another season in this division and working on how we turn the current shower of shit into a squad that isn't as spineless as the current one.
Critchley knows the way he wants to play and he's set the whole club up at all levels to play that way. It's similar to the way Peterboro play but they do it better as they have the players to do it. SS will be looking at it long term, do you just rip it up and start again or let the process continue and gradually bring in better players to play the system. Get rid of some of the deadwood and bring 5 or 6 quality players next window and bring back Apter to play the inverted winger role he's played so well at Tranmere.

I don't know the answer but Critchley does need either backing or sacking in the summer.
NC is going nowhere - get used to it!
Maybe not but laying the blame at the players door with his take a horse to water analogy, he has lost all credibility in my eyes.
Many of these players were bought under his tenure, and I am sure David Downes and others are angry that he is inferring he is not being properly supported in player recruitment.
He is in essence just an average youth coach with an inflated ego.
No I don't think so. I don't even think as far as SS is concerned he has under performed either. I honestly don't think his brief was promotion or bust. I think it was stabilise, build and promotion within 2-3 yrs. I'm not saying I agree but that's what I think it was. If I was NC though I'd be wanting funds for next season otherwise nout will change with these players.
Lucky old Critch! I mean, he couldn't possibly have asked for a more open-ended job remit than that, could he!?

I bet he's forever counting his blessings at the ease with which he seems to be able to keep SS wrapped around his little finger ...
Maybe not but laying the blame at the players door with his take a horse to water analogy, he has lost all credibility in my eyes.
Many of these players were bought under his tenure, and I am sure David Downes and others are angry that he is inferring he is not being properly supported in player recruitment.
He is in essence just an average youth coach with an inflated ego.
'He is in essence just an average youth coach with an inflated ego - and an incredibly compliant chairman.'
I would hope that he had a minimum target and that was Top 8. Fail and he will be judged on that and whatever the consequences.