Your first name on the England team sheet?


Well-known member
Who would it be? Kane is an obvious one, Alexander-Arnold is a must, Foden is obvious ... I'd be controversial and say Konsa just because of his versatility.
For me the first name on the team sheet would be Dean Henderson or Jordan Pickford.
Followed by Trent Alexander and then Trippier.

Obviously Foden, Cole Palmer and Bellendingham in the middle and Kane up top with Jerry Yates. 😉
Ranking our top 5 most important players I'd go with:

Kane (you need goals to win games)
Bellingham (provides goals, assists and power through the middle)
Rice (protecting a weakened back 4 is vital, he's the best around at the moment)
Foden (can't start a fire without a spark)
Stones (with Maguire out, his experience and class is vital)
Grealish? Couldn't even make his club side regularly let alone be the first on the team sheet. Silly answer because he wasn't picked.

Anyway the correct answer is GTF.
The same bloke who didn't play a single minute of City's last 3 games when they needed to win games for the title.
Agreed silly answer.
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Why ask a question just to slag people off if you don't agree with an honest answer? Folk enjoy watching Grealish play, he is exiting.
Goalscorers are rated the most valuable players in football and our captain is our most prolific goalscorer of all time so I would definitely go for....

Why ask a question just to slag people off if you don't agree with an honest answer? Folk enjoy watching Grealish play, he is exiting.
At city he's anything but exciting. Rarely scores or assists, hugs the touchline and passes backwards. City have ruined him, thanks goodness Palmer left.
The key question will be, will any of our galacticos play to - or above - their club form? They will need to if we are going to win. My guess on this is as follows:
Kane - no
Bellingham - maybe
Rice - no
Foden - no
Stones - no.

Hope I'm wrong, but it's been a while since we had a Michael Owen moment....
Kane as we don't really have nobody else who can step up at this level as a ST.
Foden is the obvious one.

Grealish was quality last season but this season when he's played i've never seen anyone turn back on himself so much rather than take the opponent on as he did last season.
Davis , Stoneman & Gore with an honourable mention to Deary . Not a headband in sight or socks round the ankle just Jonny foreigner put to the sword .