
16000 capacity. Take away hospitality,? Presuming away fans aren't allowed? Reckon you are looking at closer to 4000.
The last safety certificate was issued for 16616. 30%= 4980. As you said that is minus hospitality. So probably circa 4600.
Will away fans be allowed?

If we sell a decent amount of season tickets, I cant see the club wanting to provide anything for away fans, plus there would be segregation issues if all four stands were being used by spaced out fans (in the social distanced fashion of course)
You could increase the capacity significantly if you only allowed the over 60s in. There wouldn't be anyone rushing around and there'd be no chanting, just grumbling. Those are just two reasons I can think of. 😀
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Less than 50 people in critical. Only a few hundred even in hospital in the whole of the UK... The new cases are not developing into a problem, we are, as usual, overreacting massively.

I genuinely hope you’re right ... suspect otherwise
Less than 50 people in critical. Only a few hundred even in hospital in the whole of the UK... The new cases are not developing into a problem, we are, as usual, overreacting massively.

Who is "we" and what actions have been taken than constitute a "massive overreaction"?

Or are you just making things up because you think COVID19 is just pretend?
I'm not sure they need to go quite as low as 30%. You don't need gaps or space between all individuals as the vast majority of people attend with friends and family. They could make it so it's season ticket only, be very strict about sitting in your correct seat and going through the correct turnstiles, keep food/drink outlets closed (unfortunately), and then employ a track and trace system per block.
Who is "we" and what actions have been taken than constitute a "massive overreaction"?

Or are you just making things up because you think COVID19 is just pretend?

Its far from being pretend. It has been a tragedy for the people that have lost loved ones to the virus or that the virus has accelerated there death..
But it is effectively over

The truth is the vast majority of hopsitals have no-one in them with COVID.

The massive increase in testing has highlighted the number of people who get the virus and recover quickly from mild symptoms or hardly get any at all. I know as I am one of them and 50% of the people i work with..

The restrictions that are still in place are killing businesses and livelihoods for little benefit..
The East will be given over home fans to enable the physical distancing, I suspect.
Is the club actively promoting the Family ticket arrangement by giving preference to ST applications from those from the same household who can sit together? This should maximise the gate, as families can sit closely together, but might prove unpopular to others.
So best case one home game missed in weeks 1-3 ( till October 1st) then 22 home games in which you might get in 75% of the time (~16 games) if it's lottery on social distancing?
That looks about right Nick. Government won’t want it to go titz up so bound to be restrictive and cautious for sport events where boozing might be involved.
So best case one home game missed in weeks 1-3 ( till October 1st) then 22 home games in which you might get in 75% of the time (~16 games) if it's lottery on social distancing?
Depends upon number of STHs I'd imagine. If only 4000 STHs then you'd get in every game.
Ironically I think 30% might well be enough - 5,000 at BR (without away fans) would probably satisfy all needs at the moment.