Adverts on AVFTT


Well-known member
Anyone else being swamped by ads on here? It just started today, I'm getting an ad after every bloody post.
Using an I-pad, but a bit of a technophobe, anything I can do?
I think they are just experimenting with different types of ads. Hopefully the intrusive in thread ones will disappear.
Most annoying.Something about earwax kept appearing above every post.
We are just trialing with Google ads - don’t like some of the ads that have appeared today and we won’t be using them in future.

As we’re live, sadly we can’t do this without them appearing on the site but thanks for the feedback! The ones between the posts on individual threads are particularly annoying and we won’t be using them!
Just download Brave Browser and use that to browse the internet instead of Safari or Chrome or whatever you currently use. You will never see another ad.
Absolutely detest ads and I consider they stiffle interest in the content as I will never ever be pursuaded by an add to purchase. I know creators need the revenue so it's Ad Blocker for me.
I hate ads but appreciate they have to generate revenue from somewhere so I'd suggest it is kept to a minimum otherwise more people will be using an ad blocker & that will be counter productive.
Thanks Admin, and other comments. I don't mind us having ads to support the site, just not in-thread.