Best Trainers ever?

Back in the day wore Nike air top to play basketball in wish I still had some now there. Worth a small fortune but progressed to new Balance now as they do different width fittings for comfort of my old feet 😀
Quick someone do a 'Best Walking Boots' thread before Blood monopolises that one as well.

(It's the Brasher Hillwalker 2 GTX by the way)
He's a Dog walker it will be Sports Direct specials not paying over a ton for Brasher. 😁
No one over 30 should wear trainers other than for the gym or football practice/training.
Puma anyway..
Behave the best thing you can put on your feet is a pair of trainers with jeans it's the sad twats who wear shoes with them stand out.
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Got these similar colours to 3rd kit,one of lads in scooter club converted us to ‘jeans’ model of Adidas trainers.👍
Got a pair of adidas Jeans, white leather,probs the worst pair I have had,very comfy but the soles havent lasted long. Had a pair of light blue suede jeans in the 70's,very nice but for playing sport I would say Samba in my youth. Trainers too fancy these days for someone in their 50's.
Zzzzzzz.....what have you personally done to change the World today??

what shoes do you ** wear?
what food do you eat?
What car do you drive?
do you send all your funds above subsistence living to aid starvation in foreign lands?

just bore someone else with your moralising, oh so sanctimonious, passive aggressive shite ...we ain’t’s a thread about training shoes ffs you miserable yawn inducer

BTW Mods, when some Gaylord reports this for swearing/being insulting and before you send me a castigating message just look at the post that inspired it tell me if that post is ok or is it basically calling me and everyone else who has posted on this thread an inferior lowlife?......and you’ll see it has

Now, normal people....back to the Trainers please
Just saying....soz for cutting in on your trainers thing.
Who cares, as long as they're made for pennies by exploited kids in the far East. Show me the brand, I'll show you the exploitation. Adidas, Nike, Puma, et al you know it makes sense.
On the plus side though it does make them a bit cheaper and the slave children's tiny hands are very good at stitching , swings and roundabouts.
On the plus side though it does make them a bit cheaper and the slave children's tiny hands are very good at stitching , swings and roundabouts.
Sorry, can't talk about it cos I'll only be patronising and looking down on you for even considering wearing them.
I'll go back to being sanctimonious and passive (what was it?), Oh yes, aggressive somewhere else.
Reebok Classic Leather
White, Navy stripes with Red underlay.
(Have to say that, I worked for them for over 20 years)
Nike Air Force 1 low trainers bought in 1982 or 1983, all leather, no fabric panels.
White with metallic blue swoosh and thick grey sole. Very comfy padding and arched insole.
Perfect for 5-a-side so I wore them until they were raw and curling up. But I never broke them.
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I know. Out of order.
You’re probably a decent bloke but It’s just not needed every two seconds putting a downer on everything cos the World ain’t perfect and you’ve read some material about things not being fair on everyone.

You‘ve downed a Trainers thread and for that you get a yellow card mate
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Hard to see past Gazelles... The gold standard of trainer. Sambas for the over 50s 😉
You’re probably a decent bloke but It’s just not needed every two seconds putting a downer on everything cos the World ain’t perfect and you’ve read some material about things not being fair on everyone.

You‘ve downed a Trainers thread and for that you get a yellow card mate
Yes, one off a red. I'll not repeat it.
There is a point to what I wrote but your thread wasn't the place to do it.
What you said is probably right and us true of a lot more than Trainers sadly but there we are mate
Just being Mr Sustainability here. Even though (as I said before) trainers are well gay, the attack on "fast fashion" is a thing and the rise and rise of reuse and upcycling is perfect fodder for all you vintage trainer afficionados. Personally I'm just waiting for the right moment step out in these beauties 🌎👍

Can we have some clarity on this matter. Best trainers for fashion or running? The two are complete opposites
Crikeyyesterday you’re searching for fossil fuels to burn and today you’re glorifying trainers which thousands of tormented souls have sweated over to stitch....

Are you some kind of gun toting, white supremacist Donald Trump fan?


Bloodonhishands would be more apt...