Crime pays


Well-known member
More than 1.1 million thefts have been dropped by police last year because they haven’t got a suspect. Conviction rate has dropped from 15% seven years ago to 4.4% last year.
More than 1.1 million thefts have been dropped by police last year because they haven’t got a suspect. Conviction rate has dropped from 15% seven years ago to 4.4% last year.
Worse still is that they often do have a suspect or CCTV footage and don’t pursue it it because sadly nowadays theft is no longer considered high priority.
Sad but true,had both cars rifled through last night,nothing of real value taken.When I reported it to police had to give more details about myself and the cars than about what was taken,they gave me a crime number and said if I tracked down any cctv from neighbours they would have a look.😒
Does nothing but increase tensions between the public and police. Been stopped few times for routine checks (drink driving at Xmas etc) I usually make a point of saying when my car was robbed they weren’t so keen to talk to me.
We have only had a regular police force for about 170 years. Before then, each town had night watchmen. Anyone caught on the prowl after hours would be put in stocks and stoned or sods of earth throw at them by locals. It's coming to the point now where we might need to return back to old methods.
Sad but true,had both cars rifled through last night,nothing of real value taken.When I reported it to police had to give more details about myself and the cars than about what was taken,they gave me a crime number and said if I tracked down any cctv from neighbours they would have a look.😒
DIY Policing