Football salaries query


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When these get quoted at £1,800 a week do they pay the PAYE and other deductions that employed people pay and end up with what's left. Or do they get the £1,800 and the club squares with HMRC.
If this gets upscaled to the top premier league players on £X00,000 a week who could work in anywhere this becomes very important in the transfer contact details when the deductions could vary considerably between the countries.
When these get quoted at £1,800 a week do they pay the PAYE and other deductions that employed people pay and end up with what's left. Or do they get the £1,800 and the club squares with HMRC.
If this gets upscaled to the top premier league players on £X00,000 a week who could work in anywhere this becomes very important in the transfer contact details when the deductions could vary considerably between the countries.
Salaries are always taxed and paid for by the player to HMRC

The top players often have additional bonuses such as image rights and sponsorship which can be paid to a different company offshore.
This is where the Spanish government get particularly grumpy and have chased after players like Ronaldo
The £1800 quoted will be gross pay - about £94k a year. Hw will pay tax, Ni deductions on that