Gavin Williamson

Does anyone else think the Secretary of State for Education both sounds and looks like Frank Spencer (Michael Crawford) in "Some Mothers Do have em" ? I have a chuckle every time I see and hear him and struggle to take him seriously!
It's when he attended the press conference on rollerskates and came into the room via the underside of a lorry.
I suppose his last resort in finding a job was to be a politician.
No experience, or intelligence, needed. 😉
Yep, he's a pillock, although I can't think of any redeemable features that even Betty would like about him!
I'd like to think he'll be a fall guy at some point this year for the government to rightly blame him for the catastrophe that he's been in the post. Trusting teacher assessments over computer algorithms, who'd have thought that could possibly work! OOOOOOOOOhhhhhh!