He's back big fat boo bloke.

Appreciate the laugh is with them if they get money from people clicking on it. But all these dorks who film their day out and spend most of it gurning at themselves through a camera instead of just watching the football have got to have either a thick skin or be totally lacking in self awareness.
Some nobbers put big fat boo seemingly trying to mock us, because a fan shouted it at Appleton when he arrived, but they don't seem to realise it comes from a pisstake of their own fans.
He and his female 'guest' look as though they are from the same gene pool. A pool where all the crap is pumped,

With luck that pool will now be dry due to the lack of rain recently.😵💩
It's almost impossible to take the piss out of them though, no self awareness to the point that they're barely sentient at times, like telling a brick wall it's boring.