Jordan Rhodes

Call me mad but I wouldn’t be too bothered if he doesn’t end up here. He’d probably demand a big wage and I’m not sure I’d want him up front every week. I’d happily have him as a bit part player, the odd start and off the bench.
i’m with you on that one Lanc but think we may well be in the minority. Like the guy but don’t see him wholly being the answer to our striking options.
i’m with you on that one Lanc but think we may well be in the minority. Like the guy but don’t see him wholly being the answer to our striking options.
He was brilliant for us in the first half of his spell but did dry up. We perhaps overused him and would be more effective if he was managed better. Who knows.
Can’t see us getting Byers. Middlesboro will demand a fee for coulson( still under contract at boro) maybe we will get Rhodes but I wouldn’t be breaking our budget to sign him tbh.
Bradley Dack released by Sunderland too but his wages will be ridiculous at a guess
Can’t see us getting Byers. Middlesboro will demand a fee for coulson( still under contract at boro) maybe we will get Rhodes but I wouldn’t be breaking our budget to sign him tbh.
Bradley Dack released by Sunderland too but his wages will be ridiculous at a guess
Dack was a very good player but his injury record rules him out.
I find the Rhodes love-in strange.

People desperate to sign a striker who has next to no mobility or pace. Great movement but his speed is non-existent.

34 years old and has missed a lot of games injured in the last few seasons so severely doubt that’s going to improve.

Hasn’t scored a goal this calendar year.

Cant play upfront on his own, when he has his lack of pace/mobility is exposed badly.

Will demand high wages in comparison to other squad members.

No doubts he’s a great finisher in the penalty area but factoring in all the above & as we’re not renowned for getting the ball in the box, unless he’s 3rd or 4th choice then I’m thinking we need to look at different options.

Having him as our main central striker is only going to end in disappointment when he’s injured a lot or we flag him to be even slower.
I find the Rhodes love-in strange.

People desperate to sign a striker who has next to no mobility or pace. Great movement but his speed is non-existent.

34 years old and has missed a lot of games injured in the last few seasons so severely doubt that’s going to improve.

Hasn’t scored a goal this calendar year.

Cant play upfront on his own, when he has his lack of pace/mobility is exposed badly.

Will demand high wages in comparison to other squad members.

No doubts he’s a great finisher in the penalty area but factoring in all the above & as we’re not renowned for getting the ball in the box, unless he’s 3rd or 4th choice then I’m thinking we need to look at different options.

Having him as our main central striker is only going to end in disappointment when he’s injured a lot or we flag him to be even slower.
I think there’s a lot of truth in what you say but you are maybe being a tad harsh on him. What he achieved in the first half of the season was incredible really when you think how few chances we produce.without his goals we would have been mid table at best. He is however not getting any younger , is injury prone and needs at least one good mobile striker next to him..I could see a lot of merit in a Yates ,Joseph , Rhodes combo but then you still need to get the ball forward with tempo and pace and our currrent centre halves and midfield struggle with that. If we accept that Dembele is out of reach ( I would defo ask just how much they want though and not just assume he’s too pricy for us) then I would say Byers should be the main target and build a team around him. I think Byers and Norburn will flourish together if the neil Critchley handbrake is taken off and then it’s either someone new or Carey(who improved towards the end of the season) or Apter.
The main problem with this is we would need to be a type of 4 3 3 which means abandoning the current 5 3 2. We could have a new left back Gabriel right back Pennington and somebody new with Casey as back up as I feel he is a little slow for a four.

I think the fans would really embrace the three up top as Yates Rhodes and Joseph..that’s my two penneth.
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If we can create chances, no one we could get who would be better at finishing them IMO and his clever movement does add quite a bit. If he has to run his backside off to create his own chances however, he's not the man for that.

I'd be happy if we signed him though, as much as anything, another excellent character in the squad shouldn't be underestimated IMO.
i’m with you on that one Lanc but think we may well be in the minority. Like the guy but don’t see him wholly being the answer to our striking options.
He's a good professional, but I'd sooner we spend our limited budget on a tough, physical & nasty forward (don't ask me who though!).
I reckon JR will be our latest Kevin P, or A Morrell or even DBamber (return) .His experience will be invaluable
He won't play every game but so what . Find us a mid fielder with his nouse and I,ll take Norburn wherever he wants ( bet he,s not cheap)
I've no issues signing Rhodes at all IF we are also signing another top draw league one striker aswell say a Yates or something who is fairly quick, mobile and hard working and can find the net at this level. I think we will only sign one striker though so if that's the case it wouldn't be Rhodes.
I think we'd be stupid not to sign Rhodes on a free. 15 goal in 29 after no real pre-season with us and missing the 2nd half of the season through non-muscular injuries (both impact), so wouldn't say he's injury prone. Also doesn't rely on pace so hopefully another year older shouldn't effect his game too much. We definitely need another option though, as I'd send Kouassi out on loan.
I find the Rhodes love-in strange.

People desperate to sign a striker who has next to no mobility or pace. Great movement but his speed is non-existent.

34 years old and has missed a lot of games injured in the last few seasons so severely doubt that’s going to improve.

Hasn’t scored a goal this calendar year.

Cant play upfront on his own, when he has his lack of pace/mobility is exposed badly.

Will demand high wages in comparison to other squad members.

No doubts he’s a great finisher in the penalty area but factoring in all the above & as we’re not renowned for getting the ball in the box, unless he’s 3rd or 4th choice then I’m thinking we need to look at different options.

Having him as our main central striker is only going to end in disappointment when he’s injured a lot or we flag him to be even slower.

There's only one injury plagued very slow 34 year old I want us to sign and it ain't Jordan Rhodes
Rhodes has never had pace so I'm not sure that is a good argument why we shouldn't sign him.

He does however score goals. Yes, he is coming to the end of his career but like all good forwards they mature like a fine wine and focus on what they are good at.
I think this is a great idea, everyone crying out for help with the coaching staff and Rhodes has the respect of the players.
Rhodes is a student of the game, he's studied successful players to improve his own technique and we've seen the end product from a player that in reality lacks the natural physical attributes that most successful strikers have... That knowledge, technique and attention to detail, if it can be passed on to others, could be a gold mine!