Key worker

What you getting at?
As a dairy farmer I’m in that position, nobody’s fault, not complaining , it is what it is and there are millions of people in a worse position. Just wondering if there are other key workers with 20%( and increasing ) reductions to income, still working the same hours with increased expenditure.
As a dairy farmer I’m in that position, nobody’s fault, not complaining , it is what it is and there are millions of people in a worse position. Just wondering if there are other key workers with 20%( and increasing ) reductions to income, still working the same hours with increased expenditure.
Wouldn't have thought so you could be like me self employed not a penny coming in and trying to live of one wage between three of us and nothing coming in till possibly June.

A lot are suffering but we will get threw all this crap and there are plenty a lot worse than ourselves. 👍