Most extreme place you've had a BFC related photo taken


Well-known member
OK I'm boring so expect to be well beaten here

I had a photo taken with my BFC scarf at the top of the mountain above Whistler at the glacier in Canada. Photo even made it into one of the programmes when we got back

What's the furthest/weirdest place you've taken a BFC related photo?
I claimed Tasmania for BFC and had a photograph from the top of Cradle Mountain in 2013. It was the same day that Phillips scored the winner against Palace.
OK I'm boring so expect to be well beaten here

I had a photo taken with my BFC scarf at the top of the mountain above Whistler at the glacier in Canada. Photo even made it into one of the programmes when we got back

What's the furthest/weirdest place you've taken a BFC related photo?
Isle of Canna in my Bass Shirt it's the westernmost of the Small Isles in the Scottish Inner Hebrides. Only about 15 people live there.