o/t It's a Sin


Well-known member
Just wondering if many have binge watched this Channel 4 Series. Scary times the 80's and this was an unbelievably powerful drama. Great music as well - feel sorry for kids of today the bland nonsense they have to listen to.
Just wondering if many have binge watched this Channel 4 Series. Scary times the 80's and this was an unbelievably powerful drama. Great music as well - feel sorry for kids of today the bland nonsense they have to listen to.
I will watch but haven’t yet.

The writer lived through the experience as a gay man during that very difficult period so it should be an accurate portrayal.
And I love Olly Alexander from Years and Years pop band fame. He is proving himself a very accomplished actor along with a brilliant performer, singer, band front man 👍
Started watching it till the Missus freaked out with the first sex scene!
”You have a dirty arse”
That was it!
Fortunely I have recorded the series as the music is good with funny scenes.
The dirty arse bit was certainly funny.

I prefer not to binge watch so doing it a week at a time; same for The Serpent.

Certainly enjoyed Its a Sin so far. Funny and heartbreaking in equal measure. Also noted a few pointed barbs at the current pandemic and how we react...
My wife watched it. Said it was brilliantly acted...
I couldn't watch it.
I'm not at all homophobic but I don't need to watch homosexual men having sex.
I spoke to a pal of mine, Nevsaseasider, and he said it was quite graphic in parts.
Sorry, not for me.
I don't need to watch homosexual men having sex
Well for a start their actors - and you didn't see any willies unlike in most of the hetro dramas! In the context of the storyline it actually makes perfect sense for it to be in there but you'd have to watch the whole thing to understand that. Really interesting portrayal of attitudes to gays in the 80's and how horrendous Section 28 under Thatcher was. Also some very funny lines but ultimately sad and poignant and actually a few similar themes with what we're going through at the moment.
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