OT Sweary Filter?

I prefer Jaffa cakes myself assuming you accept they are biscuits. other than that, **, **, arse, bastard bugger, fuck, arse, rimmer, cock womble, ** homo, nigger oh and bird. Have we broken it yet? PS. Mods we are taking the piss, nothing personal bar the fact you're twats.
There you go go nigger is Ok but others words not, what a bloody farce. I punch people who use the n word.
It’s a new requirement from our ad agency as some brands won’t advertise unless the site is OK for Under 18’s and that means certain words being taken out - not our rules but otherwise no adverts and no site.
Only winding you up anyway you blimmin corporate sellout n'er do wells.
It’s a new requirement from our ad agency as some brands won’t advertise unless the site is OK for Under 18’s and that means certain words being taken out - not our rules but otherwise no adverts and no site.
Ab block serves a purpose..