RIP C J Sansom


Well-known member
Sad to hear 👂 ne You f my favourite authors has assed away after a long battle with cancer.

His historical detective books set in rhe reign f Henry VIII are absolutely brilliant. Suffice to say a televised drama of the first book, Dissolution starts on Amazon this Wednesday with a stellar cast and the adventures of Shardlake, the crook a k lawyer.

RIP and thank you for many hours reading your great novels.
Sad to hear 👂 ne You f my favourite authors has assed away after a long battle with cancer.

His historical detective books set in rhe reign f Henry VIII are absolutely brilliant. Suffice to say a televised drama of the first book, Dissolution starts on Amazon this Wednesday with a stellar cast and the adventures of Shardlake, the crook a k lawyer.

RIP and thank you for many hours reading your great novels.
he was on Last Word Radio 4. the obituary programme a week or so ago. it should be on BBC sounds. just type in last word.