

Well-known member
So, another of Rishi's clever wheezes (sorry about the pun) is a gradual crackdown on smoking.

My mum,dad and sisters all smoked, and one of my sisters is still alive at 93 so it doesn't necessarily damage every smoker.

I've never smoked. It's never appealed to me although I think people should be allowed to decide for themselves.

What gets me is the hypocrisy around smoking, but not around alcohol. THREE members of my extended family have died due to excessive intake of alcohol, and nearly every day we see reports of people dying after a fight outside a pub. I wonder what the stats are across the country for alcohol related deaths?

If Sunak really wants to protect peoples health, why not do something about that? But then that wouldn't suit because of the large donations the Tories get from the drinks industry.
I was surprised about this - it's more the sort of thing that you would expect from Labour.
Normally Tories would call this 'nanny statism', I'm in favour in any case. I wonder what will happen if we find out that vapes are not quite the magic bullet and there are health problems associated with them as well.
If the start down this road, why not, as you say do something about alcohol and also do something about unhealthy, processed foods? Johnson actually removed some taxes on unhealthy foods and called it a victory for freedom of choice.
I was surprised to hear the party faithful applauding this one
I can self control my drinking & whilst like many have a bit too much now & then, it would be political suicide to impose further restrictions to our national pastime. Things have changed over my lifetime & for the better which is why pubs are on the decline & most people don't drink at dinnertimes any more then go back to work.
So, another of Rishi's clever wheezes (sorry about the pun) is a gradual crackdown on smoking.

My mum,dad and sisters all smoked, and one of my sisters is still alive at 93 so it doesn't necessarily damage every smoker.

I've never smoked. It's never appealed to me although I think people should be allowed to decide for themselves.

What gets me is the hypocrisy around smoking, but not around alcohol. THREE members of my extended family have died due to excessive intake of alcohol, and nearly every day we see reports of people dying after a fight outside a pub. I wonder what the stats are across the country for alcohol related deaths?

If Sunak really wants to protect peoples health, why not do something about that? But then that wouldn't suit because of the large donations the Tories get from the drinks industry.
Or they've seen it's a bit of a tougher nut to crack?

Smoking is anti-social in every circumstance - alcohol not as much - but it does create problems when people drink to excess, remember the last Labour Government relaxed licensing laws not realising plenty of people in this country drink to oblivion.

I'd just ban smoking in all public places and be done with it; what you do in your own home is your business.

Edited to add, Scotland have tried to deal with alcohol and failed, do the SNP take money from the drinks industry?
The vast majority of people go out for a drink and to socialise, unfortunately you've got some who not only go out for trouble, they actually get worse after the consumption of alcohol.
Where do you draw the line with drinking if a handful cannot control themselves 🤷
So, another of Rishi's clever wheezes (sorry about the pun) is a gradual crackdown on smoking.

My mum,dad and sisters all smoked, and one of my sisters is still alive at 93 so it doesn't necessarily damage every smoker.

I've never smoked. It's never appealed to me although I think people should be allowed to decide for themselves.

What gets me is the hypocrisy around smoking, but not around alcohol. THREE members of my extended family have died due to excessive intake of alcohol, and nearly every day we see reports of people dying after a fight outside a pub. I wonder what the stats are across the country for alcohol related deaths?

If Sunak really wants to protect peoples health, why not do something about that? But then that wouldn't suit because of the large donations the Tories get from the drinks industry.
New Zealand brought it in a few years ago.

I suppose the argument is that alcohol in moderation doesn't harm the way smoking does, as well as impacting those in close proximity.
New Zealand brought it in a few years ago.

I suppose the argument is that alcohol in moderation doesn't harm the way smoking does, as well as impacting those in close proximity.
Yep, pretty much.

Smoking always has the potential to harm someone else, especially the young.

I could murder a fag right now...
My brother literally drank himself to death. There were, I think, hidden reasons behind it, which I won't go into.
I like a pint of two and a nice wine.
However, 'everything in moderation' 'is good.
PS, fy8, I stopped smoking when I was about 30 y.o., a long time ago.
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The worst thing I ever did was accept my first fag at 9 years of age, from one of the 'big lads' which started me smoking until I was 26, by which time I was doing 60 a day.

The best thing I ever did was pack it in. It was hard, no help or patches in those days, just cold turkey. The want of a cigarette was with me on a diminishing scale for about six years.

As some one has already pointed out, there are some problems associated with vaping, Bubble lung to mention one, and the sooner they are also controlled the better.
The worst thing I ever did was accept my first fag at 9 years of age, from one of the 'big lads' which started me smoking until I was 26, by which time I was doing 60 a day.

The best thing I ever did was pack it in. It was hard, no help or patches in those days, just cold turkey. The want of a cigarette was with me on a diminishing scale for about six years.

As some one has already pointed out, there are some problems associated with vaping, Bubble lung to mention one, and the sooner they are also controlled the better.
Wilf, my dad had a regular, weekly order at the local shop, (corner of Charnley Rd and Regent Rd). 120 fags I think.
So I was brought up to smoking and started at 15/16 y.o. My older brother smoked when he was in the Navy.
I went in the Army as a smoker,
I eventually stopped (cold Turkey) at about 30+ y.o.
Never wanted a fag since.
I drink and smoke but I enjoy it. I don't drink everyday. I drink Friday Saturday and Sunday lunch. I started smoking at 12 and not giving up now as 51. I only smoke around 10 a day but I enjoy it. I'm of the opinion if you are not harming anybody else and work very hard. You can spend your money on whatever you want. You can't beat having a pint in the beer garden with a hamlet. It's relaxing and like I say upto me what I do and don't do. The young ones can say what they want. I will go as far as saying 50% of 18/30 year olds do cocaine on a regular basis. And that's being liberal with the truth. There is where the issues arise. Kids off their nuts wanting to fight every fucker.
And any young ones reading I not grassing anybody up or getting your peers checking.. If I was younger I would have a few keys at the weekend. Lol.. But again you work spend your money on what you want. Brass houses booze sniff meals out theme parks.smoke pot cigs Whatever you get enjoyment out of. Just stay off the crack pipes. Because the 12 hour daily grind in work is getting harder and harder. Enjoy your life and fuck the government.
And any young ones reading I not grassing anybody up or getting your peers checking.. If I was younger I would have a few keys at the weekend. Lol.. But again you work spend your money on what you want. Brass houses booze sniff meals out theme parks.smoke pot cigs Whatever you get enjoyment out of. Just stay off the crack pipes. Because the 12 hour daily grind in work is getting harder and harder. Enjoy your life and fuck the government.
Yep sounds like the ramblings of an idiot
And any young ones reading I not grassing anybody up or getting your peers checking.. If I was younger I would have a few keys at the weekend. Lol.. But again you work spend your money on what you want. Brass houses booze sniff meals out theme parks.smoke pot cigs Whatever you get enjoyment out of. Just stay off the crack pipes. Because the 12 hour daily grind in work is getting harder and harder. Enjoy your life and fuck the government.
There aren't any young ones reading this.
Dying for a fag....

Here's a product that promises to do nothing
But take your money and your soul
Poverty is toxic, everybody knows
No need to help it take its toll
Who will profit from the misery they sow?
Not the grandchildren that you will never know....Poverty is toxic.
New Zealand brought it in a few years ago.

I suppose the argument is that alcohol in moderation doesn't harm the way smoking does, as well as impacting those in close proximity.
The bigger argument is alcohol is the driver behind 1m hospitality jobs (that's a guess, but it must be up there).
Not had a fag for a while now, like Fy8 I do enjoy it when I did smoke, had a spell of buying 10 when you could and 20, only smoked one and either gave them away to the less fortunate on Dixson Rd or just threw them away, all for one crafty fag. Shame my local paper shop doesnt do singles like Priestners used to back in the day.
Wilf, my dad had a regular, weekly order at the local shop, (corner of Charnley Rd and Regent Rd). 120 fags I think.
So I was brought up to smoking and started at 15/16 y.o. My older brother smoked when he was in the Navy.
I went in the Army as a smoker,
I eventually stopped (cold Turkey) at about 30+ y.o.
Never wanted a fag since.
Fag has a different meaning now Dave mate
I've never smoked but can't believe the price of them. That would certainly make me think twice about starting. Also just got in from my local and watching a trail of blokes mostly going outside for a cigarette in the cold and pouring rain. Why?
Smoking was/is highly addictive because they deliberately put nicotine (a highly addictive, though harmless in it itself, substance in it). The nicotine is to hook you. It’s the toxins that give you cancer etc etc

If I was PM and could get it through Parliament I’d ban tobacco in 6 months, make all vapes tobacco flavour only and then over a year or so reduce the amount of actual nicotine in vapes to zero

Then gradually ban vapes

would save the Country £billions
Packed it in (cold turkey) 15 years ago. But I still occasionally dream about smoking a fag.

Cigs were a means of raising tax until They realised that health services were spending more to treat smokers than the tax raised. I would like to think that They also had an altruistic motive and wanted to reduce the suffering of smokers’ families as well. Hence the high tax rises, isn’t it about £12 for 20 these days?
Vapes were encouraged as a means of getting smokers off the tarry cigs to improve health. But then the manufacturers pushed the vapes at kids with fruit and sweet flavours. Bubble gum vapes, I ask you! Drug pushers will always find a way to supply.