Some 9/11 stuff doesn't makes sense

Can't we all just agree that the smaller building had just seen its bigger brothers reduced to rubble, it was obviously suffering some psychological distress and was probably depressed.

In all likelihood it probably just gave up and folded in on itself.
I've gone through this entire thread, post by post, in an effort to educate myself on the situation and to better understand potential falsehoods and truths.

After doing this research, the two things I'm 100% convinced of are:

1) Two passenger planes were flown into the World Trade Center towers in New York
2) It happened on the 9th of November 2001.
Don't know why all these arguments go on.
The fact is, that thousands of innocent people were killed by terrorists.
What's the point of arguing about concrete strengths etc?
I don't like heights, unless it's Terra Firma, however, 3 years before, I was on top of the WTC when visiting my cousin
who had lived in the USA for about 40 years.
I didn't think I would go up there, but I was persuaded by MrsDP.
Well worth it, terrific views from there.
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Strangeways 2022

“Hi mate what you in here for?”…

“Ended up assaulting a guy because he said Tower 7 wouldn’t have burned down and no jet fuel spilt on it on a Blackpool FC message board”…
That could well be my favourite ever post on here 😃
Why is watching high rise demolitions so rewarding? (obviously real planned demolitions rather than horrific terror attack demolitions...)
Blowing shit up innit.

For anyone who had to regularly visit those flats in the 90s in a professional capacity it was particularly satisfying.
Also, no, it doesn't look anything like the WTC, which clearly collapsed from the top.

Regarding Layton flats. My dad was a brikkie who was part of the gang that built those flats.

The day they were taken out was a Sunday. I was working overtime at Warbreck hill and heard it all.

I mourned the loss of my dad all over again hearing the sound of them being demolished.

RIP dad, miss you, but the flats were no longer fit for purpose.