The Battle of Orgreave

I was reading the other day that the Government are planning to remove the surplus from the Miners Pension Fund for thier own use.

Fond memories of the Miners Convalescent Home, what a great position that was for fresh air for all those with damaged lungs.
I was reading the other day that the Government are planning to remove the surplus from the Miners Pension Fund for thier own use.

Fond memories of the Miners Convalescent Home, what a great position that was for fresh air for all those with damaged lungs.
What, fresh air for 'the enemy within?' It should be saved for the fine, upstanding police...the real enemy within.
I was reading the other day that the Government are planning to remove the surplus from the Miners Pension Fund for thier own use.

Fond memories of the Miners Convalescent Home, what a great position that was for fresh air for all those with damaged lungs.
I remember it well too. Thought it may have been the best idea the Miners Union ever had. On the other hand, I felt so, so sorry for the residents.