The ever changing voice of Paul Cook


Well-known member
Stumbled across some hilarious observation made by the people of twitter that Paul Cook has two different voices that he switches between whilst speaking, gave me a good laugh anyway.

The first I watched that pointed it out I thought the reason for it was he'd lost his voice and was switching between his coarse voice and his normal one, lo and behold another person on twitter had also pointed out this phenomenon from a few years back!
He should really get checked out by a doctor for throat cancer. My uncle was a gruff-sounding Yorkshireman that sounded like Sean Bean who started suddenly sounding like Joe Pasquale to some amusement by his friends and close family members. Unfortunately, it was a sign of throat cancer that ended up killing him.
If it's nothing serious, it's absolutely hilarious.

Thanks to @Danny Ocean for sharing the knowledge about it being a symptom of throat cancer; I didn't know that. I do now.
He should really get checked out by a doctor for throat cancer. My uncle was a gruff-sounding Yorkshireman that sounded like Sean Bean who started suddenly sounding like Joe Pasquale to some amusement by his friends and close family members. Unfortunately, it was a sign of throat cancer that ended up killing him.
I would certainly go for a check up. I wonder if anyone has told him?
Bloody hell, certainly hope that is not true - sorry for your loss as well DO.

I saw someone on twitter say its because his throat is always coarse after a game because he spends 90 minutes shouting, so he drifts between extremely coarse voice and regular speaking voice in post match interviews. I hope that is the case anyway and its not a sign of throat cancer - hopefully if its been noticed on here, others will have noticed and informed him and he can get checked out (or he may have already!).