The virus will end in the UK on 30 September


Well-known member
...according to a scientific publication by The Singapore University of Technology Innovation Lab. I was dubious about this prediction at first, but when I saw it was reported by the Daily Star I knew there was some academic substance to it.

I think it will be sooner.

No new cases or deaths in London in the last 48 hours... Thats 10million people. The vast majority under 40 who can get back to work and socialise safely if we hadnt been subject to project fear run by the likes of Piers Morgan and AVFTT 😉

End Lockdown now.... More people will die in the increased traffic and cyclists in London than from COVID 19 in the near future.
Say's who ?

There have been no second waves of any substance yet

Even if there are we need to balance risk against people living in fear of something that we will likely have to get used to living with