Traffic calming hilarious


Well-known member
Saw this on the news & nearly wet myself, how stupid is this. A council official said it's not ideal, NOT IDEAL it's barmy. Chop them off, widen the kerbs & install cameras to stop/fine lorries, job done.
I would say that the majority of drivers on the roads today are complete and utter morons. If you can’t judge whether your car can fit through a seven foot gap, or can’t negotiate it if it can fit then there is no point in breathing. They’ll be doing the world a favour if they stopped and easing the strain on the planet. F**kwits!
It must have been tight as plod even managed to crash 💥 perhaps cobble roads are the answer. 🙄
I thought those door bell cameras were purely for helping Mikey find his ball.
We also like sticking bollards and stupid little islands in the middle of main roads around here.
Convinced all road planners are either evil or stupid.
It looks like a very busy road, once you start down it you can't turn round.
Totally incompetent thinking by the Council.
Why not widen it by 9 inches,? It would still stop HGVs going down.
However, I can't understand how so many tried to get through.