Well done Mercedes F1 &UCL

1000 a day? Pretty serious numbers... fingers crossed for all those who end up needing one that the trials go perfectly.
That is good news and hopefully can be rolled out as quickly as possible. As time goes on I'd like to think that human technology and intelligence will defeat this, or at least drastically reduce it's danger quicker than if we let it take it's natural course.
We will get on top of it, you can be sure of that
A lot of the panic is currently caused by it being a new virus that we don't have a vaccine for or a treatment at the moment. But the human race is smart enough to work out how to deal with this, it's just a question of limiting the death toll in the meantime. Great work by UCL and Mercedes, sounds like a viable and cheap solution that will save lives.
Great news. This will fill the gap between those showing symptoms and those needing ventilation. A massive weapon in the fight against the virus. Additionally, since these don't require the patient to be anaesthetised they can be rolled out to other countries, particularly to the third world where they could save thousands or even millions of lives.
This will fill the gap between those showing symptoms and those needing ventilation.

Spot on, this is the great benefit of these aids - freeing up ventilators.
From the BBC report...

Early reports from Lombardy in Italy suggest about 50% of patients given CPAP have avoided the need for invasive mechanical ventilation.

UCLH critical care consultant Professor Mervyn Singer said: "These devices are a halfway house between a simple oxygen mask and invasive mechanical ventilation which requires patients to be sedated.

"They will help to save lives by ensuring that ventilators, a limited resource, are used only for the most severely ill."