Winter deaths


Well-known member
I understand just how serious the Corona virus is effecting not just ourselves but the world generally. so I am not in anyway making light of the present situation when I say that I was amazed that the figures given out by the Office of National statistics estimated that last winter (1 Dec-31st March), in what they term as excess winter deaths the numbers for England and Wales was 22,300.
This was a significant decrease from the previous year 49,000, with the main cause of death being Respiratory disease.
Excess winter deaths (EWD), measures the increase in mortality during the winter compared to the other 8 months of the year, the death rate increases with the colder weather. as we know but I still found the numbers quite staggering.
Looking at the figures for 18/19 (49,000) with the leading causes of death being of a Respiratory nature I am surprised there is not enough equipment to deal with the present problem, or perhaps there never was, resulting in so many deaths that year.
Think it’s more to do with the amount of cases in a short time period, something that will totally overwhelm the NHS
I was speaking to an A&E consultant today as I do her garden, she was at a window and I was miles away. It’s horrifically busy, A&E is overwhelmed and although the elderly and frail and those with underlying health conditions are most at risk it’s not exclusive. What she did say was that it is most common for those who get it seriously that it starts with a cough and a fever, you recover quite quickly think you are okay then about 5 days later it hits you and leaves you fighting for oxygen. Anyone who thinks this isn’t a terrible virus and thinks things are being over exaggerated are completely deluded.
Dewster, Lytham, you’re right. If figures and predictions are anything like true it would cost lives to keep everything running. It will also cost a great deal of hardship, suffering and also lives in the aftermath of this shutdown if you consider all the knock on effects to come.

It’s not easy to predict or compare the scale of the damage for either but we lose tens of thousands each year to flu and have never tried to impose laws on people to restrict their basic rights in the name of saving flu victims. It is setting a very dangerous precedent and life won’t be the same again now our ‘Patriot Act’ is in place, I don’t think.

There should certainly be more ICU beds and other vital equipment but so much taxpayer money gets sucked through the NHS straight to the pharmaceutical companies instead of to where I think it would do a lot more good.