You know how Sheff Utd and Stoke sing…

This is Ska

Well-known member
…Annie’s Song and Delilah. When I’ve been at matches where these 2 sets of supporters blast out these 2 standards I must admit it brings me out in goose bumps and I always applaud them for it. Would or could we ever go down that path with a song of our own, and what could it be? Keeping in theme with the other 2 songs I’ll start with ”Always on my mind” by Elvis.
We have lots of chants, unlike some clubs who have a main 1 or 2 it seems. I think we've expanded our repertoire over the years?

Going down to Bloomfield Road

Seaside of life


Come on the pool, come on the pool

Niel Critchleys tangerine army

Tangerine, tangerine, tangerine

Were the tangerine army

Our one after a goal scored chant

Best trip

Day trippers go home, get back on your bus

We got the oystons out

Weve got Simon Sadler

Oh when the pool go marching in (rare)

We love you Blackpool we do

Wash your mouth out Son

Probably loads I've missed

Then we have all the player chants

Plue ones lots chants like ei ei eio

Personally I like going down to Bloomfield Road, nice circular chant, sounds epic when its bouncing but so do most.

The classic Seaside, barmy army, gets people going but I can never remember the words.
I honestly don't think you can beat a good blast of Tangerine, tangerine tangerine, tangerine, tangerine, tangerine etc.

It might not have the lyrical subtlety of the greasy chip butty song, or sunshine on Leith but it's us...

We're From Back Henry Street....

We Are The Nutters, We Come From The Sea

And like it or not, YNWA was a staple chant right up to the early 1990s.
I've always thought Love of my life by queen would sound good en masse in a football context.
It's strange what can end up iconic. YNWA obv for Liverpool and Celtic fans, Annie's song is a belter from Sheff Utd which I'm hoping to get to this season to witness first hand but my favourite has always been Z Cars at Everton.

Maybe Led Zeppelin - Tangerine. Least there's a good link with the lyric, who knows. Need something though
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We have lots of chants, unlike some clubs who have a main 1 or 2 it seems. I think we've expanded our repertoire over the years?

Going down to Bloomfield Road

Seaside of life


Come on the pool, come on the pool

Niel Critchleys tangerine army

Tangerine, tangerine, tangerine

Were the tangerine army

Our one after a goal scored chant

Best trip

Day trippers go home, get back on your bus

We got the oystons out

Weve got Simon Sadler

Oh when the pool go marching in (rare)

We love you Blackpool we do

Wash your mouth out Son

Probably loads I've missed

Then we have all the player chants

Plue ones lots chants like ei ei eio

Personally I like going down to Bloomfield Road, nice circular chant, sounds epic when its bouncing but so do most.

The classic Seaside, barmy army, gets people going but I can never remember the words.
🙄 Did you used to do the KTel voice overs? 😉
I never really paid a lot of attention to English clubs doing something like that, don't know why. But I thought differently when someone on here posted that film of Hibs singing Sunshine on Leith, that was impressive.
That was me who posted that - got to say it gives me goosebumps, as does hearing the welsh singing Land of My Fathers and Liverpool fans signing YNWA.

Would be great if we had our own little anthem - someone mentioned Elvis - If I Could Dream, which I think would be a belter but perhaps too difficult to learn for most?
The Hibs fans singing SoL at Hampden, having defeated the Mighty Gers to finally win the Sweatty FA Cup, is an amazing scene.

The raw emotion of finally winning the trophy after over a century of trying is plainly obvious.
…Annie’s Song and Delilah. When I’ve been at matches where these 2 sets of supporters blast out these 2 standards I must admit it brings me out in goose bumps and I always applaud them for it. Would or could we ever go down that path with a song of our own, and what could it be? Keeping in theme with the other 2 songs I’ll start with ”Always on my mind” by Elvis.
For some reason we can't make our own songs. We also can't have a song that doesn't involve happy clapping post Euro 96 nonsense, so we've no chance of an anthem.
That was me who posted that - got to say it gives me goosebumps, as does hearing the welsh singing Land of My Fathers and Liverpool fans signing YNWA.

Would be great if we had our own little anthem - someone mentioned Elvis - If I Could Dream, which I think would be a belter but perhaps too difficult to learn for most?
Yes same here. Never realised Hibs was after the game, thought it was before.

Land of my fathers, especially before a Welsh rugby international is something else. I sometimes wonder how the players hold it together when they hear that, especially for the first time. But if you can learn to channel it - you get to understand why they talk about the importance of fans and positive atmosphere. For completely different reasons of course, we'll do something similar at home this year.
I always like Bristol Rovers belting out Goodnight Irene just because it's so random. Nothing to do with them or even football.
Likewise Delilah at Stoke.

the way you wrote your list of songs just reminded me of the old ktel ads

p.s. I’m glad that Mark GT ‘liked’ my post to show me that I wasn’t alone in my line of thinking
Ahh right, probably for those of a certain vintage. 😏