Anyone still got/wear their Dr Martens?

No I often wear black suede desert boots. Comfortable to wear and no need to polish them😀
Absolutely, one pair of brown and one black low cut boots, and La Levi has a pair of black yellow stitch up Marten boots with embroidered red roses on the side, have worn them on and off since 1970ish!
Daughter worked as a store manager for them she had 4 free pairs a year all latest models she had to wear still got 15 pairs of hers in spare bedroom
Cherry Reds worn with pride on Saturday, kept me dry down below stood on B’pool South.
Yep brown boots 👍🏻 My brother in law came over from America for a visit and arrived with these boots, he’d bought them in the states but didn’t like them so brought them over for me as we’re the same size. That was over 3 years ago and they’re still like new. Always wear them for the match through the winter months.
I bought a pair of the classic 8-eye 1460s in October. Spent about a week treating them with mink oil, beeswax 'wonder balsam', the works. Got them out after christmas after and saw that one boot had a tear (like a slice) in the leather up near the ankle. I wasn't happy.

Schuh agreed it was a product failure and sent me a new pair. I've treated the leather etc now just not worn them yet. Annoying, though, as I'll have to wear them in again.

I've heard criticism online of the standard of their boots slipping in recent years with many opting for Solovair boots (the original Dr Martens factory) so may get them next time should this replacement pair also fail.

But yes, assuming it was just a one-off and that my new pair will be fine, you really can't beat a good pair of Dr Marten boots. Iconic.
Most Docs now made abroad cost £90 hand made ones still made in Northampton factory but over £125 a pair but if anyone is ever near northampton they do have a factory shop with big discounts
I bought a pair of the classic 8-eye 1460s in October. Spent about a week treating them with mink oil, beeswax 'wonder balsam', the works. Got them out after christmas after and saw that one boot had a tear (like a slice) in the leather up near the ankle. I wasn't happy.

Schuh agreed it was a product failure and sent me a new pair. I've treated the leather etc now just not worn them yet. Annoying, though, as I'll have to wear them in again.

I've heard criticism online of the standard of their boots slipping in recent years with many opting for Solovair boots (the original Dr Martens factory) so may get them next time should this replacement pair also fail.

But yes, assuming it was just a one-off and that my new pair will be fine, you really can't beat a good pair of Dr Marten boots. Iconic.
I remember as a young lad, when the sole split on the edge you could fix it by sliding in a hot knife from the kitchen. Can't say my Mum was impressed when I used the best silver though 😗
Bought direct from the manufacturer website with a £10 discount. The vintage use superior leather cuts
The £149 pair are the standard 1460s, Blood. The deerer £180 pair are the vintage Made In England pair (that I wish I opted for).

On iPlayer, there's an episode of 'Inside The Factory' where they show an hour-long feature of the journey of making the vintage 1460s from start to finish which is really interesting for any DM fan.
Had some Oxblood Boots I used to wear about 10/11 years old that were perfect for playing Cropperarma at Waterloo back in the early eighties! 😃
I got a new pair not long ago. Very comfy. Not had a pair for years. These are weird fabric ones which sounds a bit shit, but I'm quite fond of them. Got them in a sale, but I'd probably get another pair.
Only worth getting the made in England ones these days. The Chinese and Thai made ones can be absolute rubbish and prone to ripping. You can get bargains at their outlet shop in Northampton, but Solovair Link are basically what the uk made ones used to be.
The £149 pair are the standard 1460s, Blood. The deerer £180 pair are the vintage Made In England pair (that I wish I opted for).

On iPlayer, there's an episode of 'Inside The Factory' where they show an hour-long feature of the journey of making the vintage 1460s from start to finish which is really interesting for any DM fan.
It’s sad that it has come to a differentiated Doc Marten production model… the old days you just bought em and wore em and looked fukcing cool would working class kids now afford these prices when their mum and dads have to cope with energy bill inflation etc Etc

If I was a Nipper I’d choose something else that was affordable but grand
Not since College.
But my Dad has recently found some brand new black Dr Martens work boots with steel toe caps and he’s given them to me. 😁👍
I’ve still got my Grandad’s fur lined boots he wore in WW11.
That’s a pair of solid boots.
Didn’t get the flying jacket, unfortunately.
I've got some shoes. Bought them online, but about a half size too big so I only wear them with 'THE BIG SOCKS' which is rare.

Oh, and I've got some doc's too.
Blood, I don't think that the vast majority of kids have any kind of shoes nowadays.
Last time either of my lads wore shoes was at their grandads funeral that was two years ago.
Youngest will wear work boots by law but the eldest wears nothing else on his feet but trainers.

BTW DM's are more comfortable and hard wearing than any trainer I've seen.
It’s sad that it has come to a differentiated Doc Marten production model… the old days you just bought em and wore em and looked fukcing cool would working class kids now afford these prices when their mum and dads have to cope with energy bill inflation etc Etc

If I was a Nipper I’d choose something else that was affordable but grand
What would you buy blood, some monkey boots, can you still get them. Looking back they were pretty cool looking but some of the hard girls wore them, I wont name them.
I diversified a bit boot wise. Started off with the ubiquitous monkey boots and spent most of my time trying to run up walks and climb trees in em.
Then I had a pair of blood red Major Domos, blatent rip off but pretty cool nevertheless. Also had a pair of Dr Peppers I think they were.
Had D.M s too mind. I think my most memorable pair were my grandpa's old pair. Got them when he died and I was about 15. They were blimmin dangerous if you were on wet grass, tarma slopes, ice.. Anything really. The soles were grip less and totally polished. I had them till they fell off my feet or mum sneaked em into the bin or some such dark and dastardly deed.
They reminded me of my Gramps, and smelt like his, old kitchen and they were good mates to me for quite a few years
The gentleman in front of me in the turnstile 8 queue on Saturday had a pair on. Appeared to be the cherry red vintage.
BFC history on Dr. Martens: Southshore Crew clocked the Docs on Chelsea fans 1970 home game first division fixture October. After much research the only shop stocking them was a small shoe shop next to the Gardeners Arms in Thornton, Jumped on the No14 bus and headed north in our quest for the air wair holy grail!
First pair purchased there, brown boots, no stitch ups then, loved em with my white Levi Sta prest hovering 1.5 inches above them. Cool as fuck or what!
BFC history on Dr. Martens: Southshore Crew clocked the Docs on Chelsea fans 1970 home game first division fixture October. After much research the only shop stocking them was a small shoe shop next to the Gardeners Arms in Thornton, Jumped on the No14 bus and headed north in our quest for the air wair holy grail!
First pair purchased there, brown boots, no stitch ups then, loved em with my white Levi Sta prest hovering 1.5 inches above them. Cool as fuck or what!
Shop on Bond Street - window full of em in the mid 70s - where has the time gone ?

Have some doc shoes in black - classics
My Missus and I got our recent ones from Dr Martens just off Covent Garden and also Sheffield. Great staff.
As mentioned the 'Vintage', Made in England ones are a step up from the Thai ones.

Another 👍 for the Greg Wallace program the other week in the factory