Does anyone have any crocs?

Funny how they were the butt of jokes for years and were considered so bad only fat people and council estate people wore them, whilst walking to the shop in their pyjamas

Now for some reason only known to idiots they're now considering 'trendy'

Possibly the most hideous thing ever to go on feet.

On the plus side, they were so cheap not too long ago, now the mong sheep brigade pay a hell of a lot more for them.
They are great for little kids and teenage girls.

Weird why a man would want a pair or even be looking at such things.
I had a tangerine pair which I rarely used so sent them to the charity shop. Just to add I bought them years ago in Croatia.
You need licence to keep animals that are considered dangerous, this includes crocodiles ... so please be careful before you spend any money
FFS, for a moment I thought with the illness, we'd re-signed Bridcutt and Stewart on short term physio's bench contracts.
Perfect for air travel,my feet often swell when on long haul
slip on slip off don’t have to remove them going through security (except nazi germany) sorry united states of assholes
Been wearing them for about 18 years now (obviously not continuously). Comfiest shoes I've ever worn, even wear them for long walks when in hot sticky countries. Although when sole has worn smooth they are lethal !
Wife bought me some earlier in the year,because i kept not wearing my slippers,i now wear my slippers,horrible things,although the dog thinks crocs make great chews.
My mum loves crocs. I got her a pair of tangerine ones with the Blackpool charm things that go with them. She was chuffed to bits with them
I ahve to admit that I do wear crocs when I'm working around the pool. They're comfortable and surprisingly have good grip on slippy surfaces. Away from work I wouldn't be seen dead in them.
As the AVFTT goes into total meltdown . I'm enjoying your random' Who has Crocs' thread more and more. Somehow it seems as sanity amidst the chaos 😁