Has Covid made the workforce a little bit workshy?

This is very true about back problems. My discs at L4 L5 and L5 S1 slipped because I spent most of the day sitting on dining chair. After months of agony, doctors appointments, x-rays, MRI scans, tramadol, physio and an epidural steroid injection it was still painful and stopped me from exercising and being generally active. It was only after I visited a chiropractor 4 times and buying a proper ergonomic office chair that things got better. In total, I was out of action for around 8 months.
Fortunately, I have health insurance so was able to go private for everything. I would imagine that through the NHS I'd still be waiting now and fully addicted to painkillers.
This leads in to another issue we have in this country; our housing stock is unfit for purpose.

The vast majority aren't lucky enough to live in a house that has the space to accommodate appropriate home working spaces.