Idiot in the North...

There's a huge difference between a flare and a smoke bomb. A flare is far more dangerous, but of course, throwing a smoke bomb or flare is incredibly stupid and dangerous.

As mentioned, sadly, it's not just about modern society. There was the ammonia incident, and missiles were regularly thrown over at the back of The Kop. In 1975 or 76, when Chelsea had been relegated to the Second Division, I was hit by a red pool ball thrown by a Chelsea fan. For some reason, I picked it up and took it home.
Probably lucky just to not get red eye.

Thankfully it wasn't a snooker ball.

Could have been a black eye.
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I agree but a lifetime ban for a stupid youth is a bit harsh.
We have all done silly things in our youth which makes us gringe when we reflect some of our actions.
5 year ban yes but lifetime come on.
Why? It’s not as if they’re actual football supporters who were there to watch the game. I’m sure they’ll find somewhere else to carry out their thuggery.
Why? It’s not as if they’re actual football supporters who were there to watch the game. I’m sure they’ll find somewhere else to carry out their thuggery.
Basically because people change dramatically over the course of a lifetime and the people we are at 16-25 years old is not the same people we are at 25-35 years old, which is not the same people we are at 35-45 years old, which is not the same people as we are from 45 upwards (I can't speak for the rest, because I've not made it that far yet... but you get the point!!

It's an idiotic thing to do and the lad needs to be dealt with, but at the same time, most of us have done some pretty stupid things in our youth.
Basically because people change dramatically over the course of a lifetime and the people we are at 16-25 years old is not the same people we are at 25-35 years old, which is not the same people we are at 35-45 years old, which is not the same people as we are from 45 upwards (I can't speak for the rest, because I've not made it that far yet... but you get the point!!

It's an idiotic thing to do and the lad needs to be dealt with, but at the same time, most of us have done some pretty stupid things in our youth.
There's a sliding scale of stupidity and throwing smoke bombs has to be closer to the 'must not do' end.
It is stupid, but in law, there is no difference between either. These twonks have had their warnings, repeatedly. They need to be turned in and banned.
From the internet for those who feel a smoke bomb is acceptable both flares and smoke bombs are hazardous read on:

Flares burn at the melting point of steel and contain toxic chemicals. Designed for marine distress, they are deliberately difficult to extinguish. Smoke bombs also burn at high temperatures and are not designed for use in confined spaces. They can cause panic in a tightly packed crowd and trigger asthma attacks.

Common sense should tell this idiot and his friends they are not for throwing at football matches.
From the internet for those who feel a smoke bomb is acceptable both flares and smoke bombs are hazardous read on:

Flares burn at the melting point of steel and contain toxic chemicals. Designed for marine distress, they are deliberately difficult to extinguish. Smoke bombs also burn at high temperatures and are not designed for use in confined spaces. They can cause panic in a tightly packed crowd and trigger asthma attacks.

Common sense should tell this idiot and his friends they are not for throwing at football matches.
In fairness an apple can be dangerous if thrown in to a crowd of people.

Smoke Bombs and Flares can be used safely in crowded areas, if common sense is applied.

I happened to be at a Festival near Barcelona recently and these were being used in a Street Parade, with Police present and no problem at all.. They are also widely used by European supporters with no issue.

Throwing them is absolutely bloody stupid, but we’re also in danger here in the U.K. of being a bit of a nanny state where stuff like this is concerned.

Maybe treat people like grown ups and then they’ll act like it, is not a bad policy.
In fairness an apple can be dangerous if thrown in to a crowd of people.

Smoke Bombs and Flares can be used safely in crowded areas, if common sense is applied.

I happened to be at a Festival near Barcelona recently and these were being used in a Street Parade, with Police present and no problem at all.. They are also widely used by European supporters with no issue.

Throwing them is absolutely bloody stupid, but we’re also in danger here in the U.K. of being a bit of a nanny state where stuff like this is concerned.

Maybe treat people like grown ups and then they’ll act like it, is not a bad policy.
I personally don’t see any link whatsoever between throwing an apple into a crowded area and throwing a smoke bomb. According to your logic you would wait until someone is seriously hurt / blinded by a smoke bomb until we take it seriously. Oh dear 🙈
In fairness an apple can be dangerous if thrown in to a crowd of people.

Smoke Bombs and Flares can be used safely in crowded areas, if common sense is applied.

I happened to be at a Festival near Barcelona recently and these were being used in a Street Parade, with Police present and no problem at all.. They are also widely used by European supporters with no issue.

Throwing them is absolutely bloody stupid, but we’re also in danger here in the U.K. of being a bit of a nanny state where stuff like this is concerned.

Maybe treat people like grown ups and then they’ll act like it, is not a bad policy.
This doesn't make sense.
The flare thrower, in this scenario, was being treated like an adult in that he (she) had a flare on his (or her) possession inside the football stadium (treat them like adults).
They then proceeded to light the flare and throw it into a crowd of people where it burnt somebodies coat (not the actions of a responsible adult).
So treating them like adults doesn't (didn't) work.

I too have witnessed the attitude to fireworks in Spain - it differs somewhat from our own and must cause many injuries. It's much more like what used to happen in the 1970's here. My own experience involved a guy on a quad bike with lit flares on the back deliberately and playfully driving into a crowd of people - no-one was hurt fortunately, 5 year old kids playing with bangers, a guy with a torch fire work flaring it at a child and many other dangerous activities. My coat was covered in ash after that event. This was all part of a village parade as a part of a fiesta - it was quite crazy.
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I personally don’t see any link whatsoever between throwing an apple into a crowded area and throwing a smoke bomb. According to your logic you would wait until someone is seriously hurt / blinded by a smoke bomb until we take it seriously. Oh dear 🙈
Jesus Christ Almighty…

Have you actually read anything that I’ve written above or are you just smashing your keyboard with your forehead?
This doesn't make sense.
The flare thrower, in this scenario, was being treated like an adult in that he (she) had a flare on his (or her) possession inside the football stadium (treat them like adults).
They then proceeded to light the flare and throw it into a crowd of people where it burnt somebodies coat (not the actions of a responsible adult).
So treating them like adults doesn't work.

I too have witnessed the attitude to fireworks in Spain - it differs somewhat from our own and must cause many injuries. It's much more like what used to happen in the 1970's here. My own experience involved a guy on a quad bike with lit flares on the back deliberately driving into a crowd of people - no-one was hurt fortunately, 5 year old kids playing with bangers, a guy with a torch fire work flaring it at a child and many other dangerous activities. This was all part of a village parade as a part of a fiesta - it was quite crazy.
I’m saying that by adopting a sensible ‘happy medium’ approach as happens abroad, rather than the typical British ‘wrap us all up in cotton wool’ approach, people might be less inclined to do something as daft as chucking these into the crowd.

Like everything else we just turn these things into stuff that kids want to do, just because they can’t.
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I’m saying that by adopting a sensible ‘happy medium’ approach as happens abroad, rather than the typical British ‘wrap us all up in cotton wool’ approach, people might be less inclined to do something as daft as chucking these into the crowd.

Lime everything else we just turn these things into stuff that kids want to do, just because they can’t.
A fan got his hand blown off recently because somebody threw a firework into a crowd in a situation that was unregulated (unlike inside a stadium). So in a situation where they were free to do as they pleased someone ends up with life changing injuries. I am not sure that 'treat them like adults' works with everyone - particularly with those that have over indulged in drink and / or drugs.

As for it's better abroad;

and from a different era;

etc. etc.
A fan got his hand blown off recently because somebody threw a firework into a crowd in a situation that was unregulated (unlike inside a stadium). So in a situation where they were free to do as they pleased someone ends up with life changing injuries. I am not sure that 'treat them like adults' works with everyone - particularly with those that have over indulged in drink and / or drugs.

As for it's better abroad;

and from a different era;

etc. etc.
Fair point ESBN, but I think my original point stands really... Idiots will do idiotic things and an object as innocent as an Apple can cause harm to someone if used inappropriately. The point being that it's the throwing of the object into the crowd or onto the pitch, which makes it dangerous.

Incidentally, a Firework is not the same as a Smoker and a Smoker isn't the same as a Hand Held Flare and a Hand Held Flare is very different to a Nautical Flare... And again, throwing a firework at someone is a stupid thing to do, but that doesn't mean that Fireworks can't be used safely.

The idea that using a smoker or a flare in a football ground or in a crowded street poses some kind of serious risk in and of itself is just nonsense. Talk of '"Setting of Asthma Attacks" and other such silly talk, falls into the same kind category as "Smoking cannabis makes you jump off high buildings"... The risk with these things comes from stupidity and inappropriate use.

Could these things be used safely to add to the atmosphere during games, I think that they probably could. Would that result in young kids being less inclined to randomly chuck smoke bombs into the crowd? It might.

I don't think I'd go as far with it as a complete free for all though, but it might be possible to have certain 'approved individuals' allowed to let them off at certain times in a safe area for example.
In fairness an apple can be dangerous if thrown in to a crowd of people.

Smoke Bombs and Flares can be used safely in crowded areas, if common sense is applied.

I happened to be at a Festival near Barcelona recently and these were being used in a Street Parade, with Police present and no problem at all.. They are also widely used by European supporters with no issue.

Throwing them is absolutely bloody stupid, but we’re also in danger here in the U.K. of being a bit of a nanny state where stuff like this is concerned.

Maybe treat people like grown ups and then they’ll act like it, is not a bad policy.
No one ever has an issue with them when their being set off every 5 minutes for 3 days at Galstonbury,even the BBC coverage makes a point of showing people setting flares off.
So agree it's the throwing part which is stupid.
I don't think pyrotechnics are a problem if used responsibly.

They have them when I go to watch Hammarby IF in Stockholm and there aren't any problems, the atmosphere is brilliant. They are only behind the goal where the more vociferous fans are stood, you would never see them in the other stands. They do have a thin mesh net that would stop anything being thrown onto the pitch, which seems to make sense to me and it doesn't affect viewing the game.

They definitely seem to treat the fans like adults over here, you can have a (weak) beer in the stand watching the game.
I don't think you'll ever get consensus, but my opinion is that flares and smoke bombs arent being thrown by fans who care like most of us clearly do. I wouldn't do anything to hurt BFC and I wouldn't have when I was 16, 18 or any other age. This isn't the state, and watching Blackpool isn't a human right. It's a business, beloved by a great many people. The business in question has made it pretty clear that people throwing things, up to and including flares, are hurting BFC and they've asked pretty clearly for it to stop. If the punishment is a life ban, same as it is for racial abuse, then people make their choices and have to live with the consequences in my opinion. If we don't want a nanny state, surely we ask people to take responsibility for their actions, especially when the consequences are extremely clear to begin with.

Just my opinion.
I don't think you'll ever get consensus, but my opinion is that flares and smoke bombs arent being thrown by fans who care like most of us clearly do. I wouldn't do anything to hurt BFC and I wouldn't have when I was 16, 18 or any other age. This isn't the state, and watching Blackpool isn't a human right. It's a business, beloved by a great many people. The business in question has made it pretty clear that people throwing things, up to and including flares, are hurting BFC and they've asked pretty clearly for it to stop. If the punishment is a life ban, same as it is for racial abuse, then people make their choices and have to live with the consequences in my opinion. If we don't want a nanny state, surely we ask people to take responsibility for their actions, especially when the consequences are extremely clear to begin with.

Just my opinion.
No problem with actions having consequences, but banning youngsters for life, whether it's racial abuse, throwing a flare or any other kind of stupidity is utterly ridiculous and completely disproportionate. It's just a stupid thing to do and also completely unnecessary.

You're talking about preventing someone aged 80 from watching their Club, because of a minor misdemeanour when they were a kid ffs... Think about it... Whether the Club is your beloved or not, that's just silly. I mean how the hell would you even manage to enforce something like that in any case.

A ban of a few years is more than enough for a kid / young adult as a first caution for something like this.

I think you're also getting a bit supercilious with all of this beloved club and doing 'anything to hurt BFC' baloney too... Not everyone has the same start in life and also young kids aren't going to be interested in reading Club statements and what the FA have fined the Club etc... They're just being dickheads... They need educating and an opportunity to turn their lives around, not writing off and ostracising from the things they enjoy forever.
No problem with actions having consequences, but banning youngsters for life, whether it's racial abuse, throwing a flare or any other kind of stupidity is utterly ridiculous and completely disproportionate. It's just a stupid thing to do and also completely unnecessary.

You're talking about preventing someone aged 80 from watching their Club, because of a minor misdemeanour when they were a kid ffs... Think about it... Whether the Club is your beloved or not, that's just silly. I mean how the hell would you even manage to enforce something like that in any case.

A ban of a few years is more than enough for a kid / young adult as a first caution for something like this.

I think you're also getting a bit supercilious with all of this beloved club and doing 'anything to hurt BFC' baloney too... Not everyone has the same start in life and also young kids aren't going to be interested in reading Club statements and what the FA have fined the Club etc... They're just being dickheads... They need educating and an opportunity to turn their lives around, not writing off and ostracising from the things they enjoy forever.
That's your opinion and that's fine.

A mate of mines brother got a lifetime ban from Burnley. First time they were in the prem their fans had a little altercation with drogba who goaded them when he scored. This lad had been drinking all day and ran down the stand yelling abuse, and called him an unacceptable name. Burnley banned him for life and when I asked him about it, he was gutted but he said he brought it on himself, and he agreed with them.

Few years later he wrote to the club chairman and apologised, explained how he accepted he was wrong, wanted to make amends. The chairman to his credit, invited him to the club to make his case face to face, which he did and after agreeing to do some work in the community side of the club, he allowed him back, under warning that he wouldn't get a third chance. That seems a decent handling of unacceptable behaviour IMO.

Maybe that's the answer, life ban, go earn your redemption. I suspect most wouldn't, but if they do then great, I'm all for education. And I don't think it's supercilious, I'm definitely superior to flare throwers. 😉
That's your opinion and that's fine.

A mate of mines brother got a lifetime ban from Burnley. First time they were in the prem their fans had a little altercation with drogba who goaded them when he scored. This lad had been drinking all day and ran down the stand yelling abuse, and called him an unacceptable name. Burnley banned him for life and when I asked him about it, he was gutted but he said he brought it on himself, and he agreed with them.

Few years later he wrote to the club chairman and apologised, explained how he accepted he was wrong, wanted to make amends. The chairman to his credit, invited him to the club to make his case face to face, which he did and after agreeing to do some work in the community side of the club, he allowed him back, under warning that he wouldn't get a third chance. That seems a decent handling of unacceptable behaviour IMO.

Maybe that's the answer, life ban, go earn your redemption. I suspect most wouldn't, but if they do then great, I'm all for education. And I don't think it's supercilious, I'm definitely superior to flare throwers. 😉
There was a process that used to be in place as far as I can remember, where bans were issued and then the Club subsequently got individuals to sign an "Acceptable Behaviour" type of order. That to me seems like a sensible and reasonable approach, especially where younger fans are concerned.

I'm not sure how old your mate's brother was, but I'm guessing he wasn't 16-18 and so arguably it's a different circumstance.... If it was a 40 year old adult chucking flares into the Crowd, then I might think they deserved a harsh punishment (not banning for life though, because it's just daft).

You've highlighted there in your post though that adults (not just kids) can be prone to doing daft stuff... Whether they've had a few too many to drink, get caught up in a situation that escalates out of control, are having a bad day for some reason or whatever..

And of course, the Club needs to have a way to deal with these things, because many of them aren't criminal offences and even if they were they might be minor things.... So it makes sense to have proportionate sanctions and then people know where they stand and that as a Club you can reasonably apply and enforce.
There was a process that used to be in place as far as I can remember, where bans were issued and then the Club subsequently got individuals to sign an "Acceptable Behaviour" type of order. That to me seems like a sensible and reasonable approach, especially where younger fans are concerned.

I'm not sure how old your mate's brother was, but I'm guessing he wasn't 16-18 and so arguably it's a different circumstance.... If it was a 40 year old adult chucking flares into the Crowd, then I might think they deserved a harsh punishment (not banning for life though, because it's just daft).

You've highlighted there in your post though that adults (not just kids) can be prone to doing daft stuff... Whether they've had a few too many to drink, get caught up in a situation that escalates out of control, are having a bad day for some reason or whatever..

And of course, the Club needs to have a way to deal with these things, because many of them aren't criminal offences and even if they were they might be minor things.... So it makes sense to have proportionate sanctions and then people know where they stand and that as a Club you can reasonably apply and enforce.
He was in his early 20's. We're not massive polls apart in view i don't think, however one small point, I have marginally more sympathy for the heat of the moment stupidity you describe to the entirely premeditated go and buy pyrotechnics with the express intension of bringing them to football with no regard for safety or potential negative affect on the club. I'm genuinely embarrassed by bad fan behaviour in the same way I was proud when we graced the Prem.

You may believe they're passionate young fans, whereas I don't at all, I think they're mostly doing it for Snapchat likes and I deeply wish them to do it somewhere else.

EDIT just found out Snapchat doesn't have likes, but I'm proud I didn't know that and the general point stands! 😂
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Thing is the club being private property they can do what they think fit I guess, it may not in this case be anything more than plain daft behaviour. But we have been warned on many occasions of the consequences & it unfortunately effects the club. The authorities are watching us I suspect & it only takes them to react strongly & make an example of us. Should this happen it may well effect all of us or at least Sadler's bank balance again. If they identify the culprit or culprit's I think the only way to stop this would be a lengthy ban, & if they can't find the person responsible then a threat of lifetime bans may be the only way to stop it. It doesn't make any difference what happens at foreign clubs or at music festivals or even other English clubs, we are in their radar & it would be a shame if we were penalised in some way, especially after all the efforts to get our club back.
He was in his early 20's. We're not massive polls apart in view i don't think, however one small point, I have marginally more sympathy for the heat of the moment stupidity you describe to the entirely premeditated go and buy pyrotechnics with the express intension of bringing them to football with no regard for safety or potential negative affect on the club. I'm genuinely embarrassed by bad fan behaviour in the same way I was proud when we graced the Prem.

You may believe they're passionate young fans, whereas I don't at all, I think they're mostly doing it for Snapchat likes and I deeply wish them to do it somewhere else.

EDIT just found out Snapchat doesn't have likes, but I'm proud I didn't know that and the general point stands! 😂
I don't think it really matters why they are doing it... They're young lads who are doing stupid stuff... The sort of stuff that barring the saintly few like yourself, that most of us have done at one time or another. It may well be for likes or views on the internet and if so, they're hardly alone - everyone's at it these days.
I don't think it really matters why they are doing it... They're young lads who are doing stupid stuff... The sort of stuff that barring the saintly few like yourself, that most of us have done at one time or another. It may well be for likes or views on the internet and if so, they're hardly alone - everyone's at it these days.

People should be more worried about the young lads driving at 120mph and filming it for Tik Tok.

And for Boomers who have strangled the life out of the property market for massive wealth meaning young people cannot afford to buy or even rent their properties.
You can buy them cheap on the internet, wonder if the culprit has stocked up on them. Better have eyes in the back of your heads if he/she has.
I don't think it really matters why they are doing it... They're young lads who are doing stupid stuff... The sort of stuff that barring the saintly few like yourself, that most of us have done at one time or another. It may well be for likes or views on the internet and if so, they're hardly alone - everyone's at it these days.
Why are you so combative? I'm allowed an opinion and I think I've expressed it in a reasonable fashion, and it is a view that every football club in the country shares btw, so not conclusively "daft" as you call it, yet you resort to things like "saintly few like you", seems like you're itching for a row, which is not why I come on this board. Also, I don't think "most" people do things that can get you banned from football or in trouble with the police when they are young, I think most people don't do that now, I think it's a tiny minority. I'm allowed my opinion, and if you disagree, fine.

Think that's my last post on the subject.
Why are you so combative? I'm allowed an opinion and I think I've expressed it in a reasonable fashion, and it is a view that every football club in the country shares btw, so not conclusively "daft" as you call it, yet you resort to things like "saintly few like you", seems like you're itching for a row, which is not why I come on this board. Also, I don't think "most" people do things that can get you banned from football or in trouble with the police when they are young, I think most people don't do that now, I think it's a tiny minority. I'm allowed my opinion, and if you disagree, fine.

Think that's my last post on the subject.
I just think that some of you come across as a bit pious, when handing out your life sentences to other people, that’s all.

As someone else said above, it’s all a bit “Theresa May’s Cornfields”.

And I’m not trying to be combative, but rather just get the message home, that a bit of tomfoolery doesn’t mean we have to start labelling people and banning them for the rest of their born days.
Getting your hand blown off is not tomfoolery. That actually happened to someone in our fan base as a result of the sort of behaviour you are seeking to excuse.

It sounds like on Saturday we were lucky someone wasn't burned. Someone who did get injured by this type of behaviour would in all likelihood win substantial compensation from the club. They should be able to attend a football match with out risk of injury. I can't believe that you are seemingly condoning this.
Getting your hand blown off is not tomfoolery. That actually happened to someone in our fan base as a result of the sort of behaviour you are seeking to excuse.

It sounds like on Saturday we were lucky someone wasn't burned. Someone who did get injured by this type of behaviour would in all likelihood win substantial compensation from the club. They should be able to attend a football match with out risk of injury. I can't believe that you are seemingly condoning this.

I didn’t say getting your hand blown off is Tomfoolery. Although picking up lit fireworks is certainly not advisable. (accepted there’s limited education around firework safety for kids or adults these days, like we used to have).

And for the last time, I’m not ‘excusing’ anything, I’m simply putting it into some perspective.

How on earth the suggestion of a lengthy (but not lifelong) ban, together with a process to improve future behaviour could ever be considered to be ‘condoning’ something, is beyond me.

I’ve made a few main points here:

1: A lifetime ban is totally OTT, because whilst this act is stupid and dangerous, it is also simply a case of youngsters being dickheads.

2. Hand Held Flares and Smokers can be used safely in a Football Ground or other similar environment.

3. Other seemingly innocent objects (An Apple, A bottle of pop, coins, lighters) are all potentially dangerous if thrown into a crowd of people or onto the pitch.

So you can’t account for stupidity, regardless. Stupid people will always do stupid things…
There was a process that used to be in place as far as I can remember, where bans were issued and then the Club subsequently got individuals to sign an "Acceptable Behaviour" type of order. That to me seems like a sensible and reasonable approach, especially where younger fans are concerned.

I'm not sure how old your mate's brother was, but I'm guessing he wasn't 16-18 and so arguably it's a different circumstance.... If it was a 40 year old adult chucking flares into the Crowd, then I might think they deserved a harsh punishment (not banning for life though, because it's just daft).

You've highlighted there in your post though that adults (not just kids) can be prone to doing daft stuff... Whether they've had a few too many to drink, get caught up in a situation that escalates out of control, are having a bad day for some reason or whatever..

And of course, the Club needs to have a way to deal with these things, because many of them aren't criminal offences and even if they were they might be minor things.... So it makes sense to have proportionate sanctions and then people know where they stand and that as a Club you can reasonably apply and enforce.

This is almost exactly what BFC already do. The club's ban policy is on their website and a link appears here. It has a graduated approach and makes a distinction between the behaviour of adults and minors.

It is a resource intensive process for the club, if they have any number of people who are in breach of minimum standards of behaviour ; this is a "hidden" cost over and above what they already incur when paying fines etc.

As has been said before - it really is up to us to help the club make this work.
So you can’t account for stupidity, regardless. Stupid people will always do stupid things…
That's exactly why flares etc. are banned.
You implied earlier that you wanted to allow people to enter football grounds with flares and smoke bombs ('treat them like adults').
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That's exactly why they are banned.
You implied earlier that you wanted to allow people to enter football grounds with flares and smoke bombs ('treat them like adults').
I’m not sure I implied anything of the sort. I think you’ve chosen to overlay my words with your own interpretation 👍

I don't think I'd go as far with it as a complete free for all though, but it might be possible to have certain 'approved individuals' allowed to let them off at certain times in a safe area for example.

@BlackpoolSupportersTrust, thanks for the clarification. I thought that would be the case and evidently the Club has a sensible and measured approach…. Unlike some of our “Hang ‘em High” fans…
2. Hand Held Flares and Smokers can be used safely in a Football Ground or other similar environment.

No they can't. They are banned. It is illegal to take into a ground, or attempt to take into a ground; fireworks, smoke bombs, flares or any other pyrotechnics. As an arrestable offence, penalties can range from fines, banning orders or in worse cases imprisonment.

No matter what you think, it really is as simple as that. They are illegal.
No they can't. They are banned. It is illegal to take into a ground, or attempt to take into a ground; fireworks, smoke bombs, flares or any other pyrotechnics. As an arrestable offence, penalties can range from fines, banning orders or in worse cases imprisonment.

No matter what you think, it really is as simple as that. They are illegal.
The fact that they are banned or illegal doesn’t mean that they can’t be used safely in that environment…it just means you’re not allowed to use them.
Basically because people change dramatically over the course of a lifetime and the people we are at 16-25 years old is not the same people we are at 25-35 years old, which is not the same people we are at 35-45 years old, which is not the same people as we are from 45 upwards (I can't speak for the rest, because I've not made it that far yet... but you get the point!!

It's an idiotic thing to do and the lad needs to be dealt with, but at the same time, most of us have done some pretty stupid things in our youth.
Very well put. I totally agree with this and I’m now a member of the 60 plus mob. Done daft shit every decade 😂
This is almost exactly what BFC already do. The club's ban policy is on their website and a link appears here. It has a graduated approach and makes a distinction between the behaviour of adults and minors.

It is a resource intensive process for the club, if they have any number of people who are in breach of minimum standards of behaviour ; this is a "hidden" cost over and above what they already incur when paying fines etc.

As has been said before - it really is up to us to help the club make this work.
These rules and regs are all well and good. However, the value that the Club and well behaved fans get from these rules depends more on the degree to which they are implemented. In the North, standing and blocking gangways seems to be de rigeur. In which circumstance, the rules are meaningless. They come across more as 'nice to have' because stewards are disinclined to get involved in any meaningful way. I don't blame them either.. Authority and the ability to implement sanctions lie solely with the police. These days the police don't want to be stewards at football grounds and, in any case, aren't resourced to do it. So, clubs (not just ours), need to be more realistic about what they can do to manage unruly supporters.