O/T Xbox Series X or PS5?

Toughie tbh as I want both!! Will wait 12 months either way.

Also gonna treat myself to an LG CX telly on black Friday this year if they knock enough off, as they are supposed to be 'next-gen proof' for gaming. Dunno how true that is though.
£450 to £500 a pop. Top games will retail at £65. I've not seen anything yet that makes me want to upgrade my PS4 any time soon.
The series X has the better SSD, and the better RAM. However if you're planning on going all digital it sounds like PS5's diskless offer has the same specs as the full console with the optical drive. However it sounds like the rumoured series S will be nerfed slightly, such as less RAM, and I think an inferior GPU to the series X
Solid state hard drive so quick load times and backwards compatibility. If you have a PS4 surely it’s a no brainer to upgrade to PS5
We’ll probably end up with one of each, although I’m not sure the graphics improvements warrant such a price hike. My son loves PS4 because all his mates are on it so that will probably Xmas sorted provided we can get stock.
Do many gamers actually change makes of consoles they use?
As I don't know a single person who does they are either in one camp or the other and wouldn't dream of moving to the other side.
Do many gamers actually change makes of consoles they use?
As I don't know a single person who does they are either in one camp or the other and wouldn't dream of moving to the other side.

I had the 360, but bought the PS4.
Within a couple of months I'd sold the PS4 and bought an Xbox One. As Puma says I prefer the interface of the MS consoles and I'll be buying new Xbox for the same reason.
Do many gamers actually change makes of consoles they use?
As I don't know a single person who does they are either in one camp or the other and wouldn't dream of moving to the other side.
Yes, had the xbox 360. Had the the first ps and ps4. Never had the ps2 or ps3. Highly likely I'll go to xbox next time, or depends which one comes out first.
Xbox, confirmed today that the series S (all digital version of the series X) will cost £249.99 in the UK, and both versions are releasing November 10th
You'd have to have a rip roaring internet connection to have an all-digital machine though wouldn't you? Here in Oz we're Third World for internet...