Portsmouth a free hit

Fuck me, this thread really does highlight some of the unfunny and thick bastards that frequent this site, dear oh dear🤦‍♂️
Are you referring to BFCX3by any chance ?

If so that's its a bit OTT.

I dont agree with his suggested tactics for the Portsmouth game on but he's never played the game so he knows nowt.

And anyway he is sometimes (every now and again) quite funny i find.
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Are you referring to BFCX3by any chance ?

If so that's its a bit OTT.

I dont agree with his suggested tactics for the Portsmouth game on but he's never played the game so he knows nowt.

And anyway he is sometimes (every now and again) quite funny i find.
I actually have played the game… I regularly played cuppies in primary school ‘with a tennis ball’ (not dissimilar to Maradona) and I have also played indoor 5-A-Side in P.E. once or twice, during High School.

So I do know my stuff actually.. I was just being self-deprecating yesterday, as I didn’t want to come across as overly arrogant.👍
Are you referring to BFCX3by any chance ?

If so that's its a bit OTT.

I dont agree with his suggested tactics for the Portsmouth game on but he's never played the game so he knows nowt.

And anyway he is sometimes (every now and again) quite funny i find.

Oh For Fuck’s sake, I give up, I really do! 🙈
I actually have played the game… I regularly played cuppies in primary school ‘with a tennis ball’ (not dissimilar to Maradona) and I have also played indoor 5-A-Side in P.E. once or twice, during High School.

So I do know my stuff actually.. I was just being self-deprecating yesterday, as I didn’t want to come across as overly arrogant.👍
By your comments i didn't think you had played that much
Tbh with you, the most knowledgeable football people who I’ve met have been the poorest players and vice versa.

Which comments are you referring to?
The games you had played with a tennis ball and 5 a side in primary school, i do beg to differ on your quote about the poorest players are the most knowledgeable
Does that mean you are the font of al knowledge being one of the poorest players?
No, it means that football ability and football knowledge are different things really. That playing football (at whatever level) doesn't automatically translate into a better understanding of the game and vice versa.

Take Neil Critchley for example, he's clearly very knowledgeable about the game itself... To a point where numerous long-term pro's have commented that they have learned things they never understood, having been coached / managed by him and yet Neil would describe himself as a 'failed footballer'.

Fortunately, you don't need to have Neil Critchley level knowledge or Lionel Messi ability to post on AVFTT and so we can all happily engage in conversations about our football club on here without the need for a cock measuring contest 👍
No, it means that football ability and football knowledge are different things really. That playing football (at whatever level) doesn't automatically translate into a better understanding of the game and vice versa.

Take Neil Critchley for example, he's clearly very knowledgeable about the game itself... To a point where numerous long-term pro's have commented that they have learned things they never understood, having been coached / managed by him and yet Neil would describe himself as a 'failed footballer'.

Fortunately, you don't need to have Neil Critchley level knowledge or Lionel Messi ability to post on AVFTT and so we can all happily engage in conversations about our football club on here without the need for a cock measuring contest 👍
No fair point i take on board your comments and get where you are coming from in your first two paragraphs, with regards your final paragraph that is correct but i only comment when in my opinion people talk nonsense, with regards your comment a cock measuring contest i am assuming you are thinking that i am a know it all? i am sure you would be the biggest cock on here if it was being measured and i don't mean in the way that would like it to mean👌
I do think we will get a result on SAT. and NOT a defeat. its NOT a free hit. Just play like we did against SHROOSBURY. And we will be ok. yeah so bell ringer in the blue shirt . we are coming to get you.
No fair point i take on board your comments and get where you are coming from in your first two paragraphs, with regards your final paragraph that is correct but i only comment when in my opinion people talk nonsense, with regards your comment a cock measuring contest i am assuming you are thinking that i am a know it all? i am sure you would be the biggest cock on here if it was being measured and i don't mean in the way that would like it to mean👌
I might be a know it all, but I’m not the one trying to shoehorn the fact that I used to play football ‘to a reasonably high standard’ into every conversation 😂

Who are you ? Dave Whelan ?
I actually have played the game… I regularly played cuppies in primary school ‘with a tennis ball’ (not dissimilar to Maradona) and I have also played indoor 5-A-Side in P.E. once or twice, during High School.

So I do know my stuff actually.. I was just being self-deprecating yesterday, as I didn’t want to come across as overly arrogant.👍
That's all good and well, but it's no walley when you're level with the wall and have to put curl and pace on the ball otherwise your opponent gets a winning slam.

That was the day when I knew I was Critchley and Messi rolled into one.
I’ll say it again for the fukin numpties that think it’s some sort of rule. It doesn’t matter if you’ve played football or not to know how the game is played etc. Doh!!!
I might be a know it all, but I’m not the one trying to shoehorn the fact that I used to play football ‘to a reasonably high standard’ into every conversation 😂

Who are you ? Dave Whelan ?
I was asking you if you thought i was a know it all, you have obviously misread my message, and where i played or if i ever did is irrelevant,
Ah right...

Did you say you'd played? 😲

Why have you never mentioned it?😂
ok yes i have played, i never mention it, all i do is respond to peoples posts and comment accordingly, sometimes when i read things i shouldn't comment because we all have our own opinions and as i have said before we are all right. how long have you watched Blackpool then@
I actually have played the game… I regularly played cuppies in primary school ‘with a tennis ball’ (not dissimilar to Maradona) and I have also played indoor 5-A-Side in P.E. once or twice, during High School.

So I do know my stuff actually.. I was just being self-deprecating yesterday, as I didn’t want to come across as overly arrogant.👍
Maybe there should be restrictions on commenting on the game unless you have played to a certain standard. Clearly x3 qualifies with that level of experience, but it's also obvious to see those who preferred playing skipping with the girls, but think they know the game.
Fuck me its like an episode of stranger things on here, it's either drink or drugs, would be nice to have a decent debate without all the bollox.
ok yes i have played, i never mention it, all i do is respond to peoples posts and comment accordingly, sometimes when i read things i shouldn't comment because we all have our own opinions and as i have said before we are all right. how long have you watched Blackpool then@
Maybe it’s just me, but I find the whole “you’ve obviously never played / don’t understand the game” routine to be a bit ‘up your bum’.

The football discussion on here has always been decent imho. Opinions are like arseholes etc… and I fully understand that not everyone appreciates Critchley’s genius!!

I’ve watched Blackpool since the Mid 80’s.
Maybe it’s just me, but I find the whole “you’ve obviously never played / don’t understand the game” routine to be a bit ‘up your bum’.

The football discussion on here has always been decent imho. Opinions are like arseholes etc… and I fully understand that not everyone appreciates Critchley’s genius!!

I’ve watched Blackpool since the Mid 80’s.
Fair enough i take on board your comments and get where your coming from. More than happy to discuss if you want to send me a private message, i would of started one but don't know how to be honest
I do think we will get a result on SAT. and NOT a defeat. its NOT a free hit. Just play like we did against SHROOSBURY. And we will be ok. yeah so bell ringer in the blue shirt . we are coming to get you.
Would agree that I don't think we'll lose on Saturday - back to that 'feeling excited before a game' - just hope we don't disappoint and get a battering!
Oi Fount's I told ya so!! 😂😂
Not having that. Not even a Crocodile could swallow that one.

It was an opportunity to go and show the division that (to be read in a Sean Bean accent) 'We are Blackpool, this is what we are. Wer't best team in't division'. OK last bit is open to your own interpretation.