Boris Press Conference at 4pm

Its probably to debunk the lies and tales being maliciously spread by media experts.

Already the taff leader has said they are out of lockdown on the 9th 🤔

Its time Boris took back control of the British Isles again.
Who would that be?
Lost himself kindly posted a link to the sage minutes of 21 September which recommended the two week circuit breaker. Or, as he would have it, recommended that the government “consider” having an “immediate” circuit breaker.

The fact is, of course, since then Lost has been arguing that Johnson was very sensible not to impose a lockdown, that Starmer was just a political opportunist by calling for the government to follow the Sage recommendation, and that to be effective we needed far higher infection rates (and presumably deaths) before any lockdown.

So on all counts Lost has been shown to be wrong. Must be a wee bit embarrassing for him.
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