Its started!!

A bit of perspective.

Pretty much nobody is a capitalist.

Pretty much nobody is a communist.

Most people just crack on working cooking, cleaning, watching TV with their families.

In population terms a teenth of a % went out and protested for BLM. Decent people would agree with BLM it is in fact tiny numbers that actually marched.

An even teenier teenth caused trouble.

Certain TV channels have removed programmes that nobody has ever watched for years..

There will be another scandal soon. There always is and normality will be restored.
Mac, you are correct. Hence my description fake socialist. People like to describe themselves as socialists and claim to support wealth redistribution. That's until it comes to redistributing their own wealth. And the same applies on the right of politics with capitalists etc
The U.K. is one of the most rabid capitalist countries in the world. To that extent, we are pretty much all capitalists as we partake in the system and benefit from it.

In terms of this being over soon.... it probably will, though 2020 has turned out to be a very strange year so who knows what will happen.