Local MP says stop taking the knee

So should we all not just agree that linking arms and carrying the message of respect would be better than taking the knee. Hence no booing and everyone is united and the division is gone.
You're spittin' in the wind Scara, I get the distinct impression they are now kneeling just to cause aggravation amongst the fans. What is the problem with doing something that will unite everybody without controversy? The Hungarians have got it right.
You're spittin' in the wind Scara, I get the distinct impression they are now kneeling just to cause aggravation amongst the fans. What is the problem with doing something that will unite everybody without controversy? The Hungarians have got it right.
Both Anderson and Stewart in particular are clearly pro-BLM. I can imagine that they think that if they stop taking the knee they will be giving in to the racists. So they will continue to do it at least until the booing stops. To suggest they are doing it to cause aggravation amongst Blackpool fans is, I suggest, utter hogwash.
Does two Jamaican Uncles (they came over in the '50's) and seven mixed race cousins, two of which were bridesmaids at our marriage 51 years ago count? And my Uncle Edley visited my father whilst he was dying more than any other mamber of our family. Now, any more irrelevant questions?
Why can’t people accept kneeling if that is what our players are happy to do?
Why can’t people accept kneeling if that is what our players are happy to do?
Because the narrative from their puppet- masters is that it is showing support for BLM which is an ‘institutionally evil’ organisation.
The right have to create fictitious bogeymen to help keep them in power and protect their wealth. Since 2010 we have had several; first benefit claimants and the idea that spending on public services is a bad thing and will lead to the end of civilisation as we know it, then of course immigrants and the EU, and now a general war against culture and those that stand up to racism and the destruction of the environment. The right needs these targets to help persuade the easily led to vote for them against their own best interests.
It’s striking how this has started to take hold at a local level - a couple of minor examples being the barely believable sight of fans booing their own team before a Wembley final and the hatred shown towards those protesting against the dangers of fracking in Kirkham. No doubt there are some that do have deep seated beliefs that ant-racism is bad and fracking is a force for good and should be encouraged at all costs (or at least was until the narrative changed following the governments screeching u-turn) but I’d wager the majority are just going along with the latest ‘anti-trend’ having been whipped up into a lather on Facebook.
The bait has been cast and all the little fishes are nibbling.
Hook, line and sinker!
They can keep taking the knee for as long as they want, it’s now a pointless exercise achieving nothing. The raised fist is another issue altogether, that signifies black power, now imagine if a white man raised a clenched fist to signify white power, my god, there’d be outrage.
Why can’t people accept kneeling if that is what our players are happy to do?

Maybe it's because they don't go to football to see political gestures. Maybe they wouldn't enjoy going to the pub if they had to wait for the bar staff to kneel before they were served or had to watch a waiter in a restaurant doing a clenched fist salute before he took their order. Does that make them racist or just normal?
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