Things You No longer see & Things you now do see At Football Matches

Eee we used th'ave to get up for football half an hour before we went to bed, matches were played in an old shoebox in the middle of the road, we had to eat gravel pies and be thankful... you try telling the kids of today that now, they won't believe you
Things you don’t see:-
The half time scoreboard, lettered A to Z.
The guy outside selling rosettes and club badges.
Ball boys/girls on stools.
The guy inside the ground walking round the pitch selling pies and tea.
The warm up where players just had 3 or 4 minutes “kicking in”
The lines being swept so that the game could go ahead in snow.
Orange footballs so that the game could go ahead in snow.

Things you do see:-
Pre match warm up lasting half an hour.
The Officials warming up - getting ready to make the same mistakes they always did (and always will - they’re human).
Games being called off because of frost or a sprinkling of snow.

Edit - sorry XBeds, I have so many I couldn’t choose.
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