Toughest BFC Game you've watched in the wrong end


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Any games where you've had tickets in the wrong section?
We beat Derby 2-0 one Boxing Day and my wife's family are Rams fans and they got us tickets right next to them.
Was so hard not to join in with the Blackpool fans but I took great delight in boo'ing the Derby players!!
I was in he Liverpool end when we won at Anfield 2-1, with some family friends who had invited us. Pretty difficult to sit on my hands when we went 2 up! Funnily enough another fella nearby was stifling his celebrations too. Would've loved to have been in the away end, but doesn't take away from such an incredible experience.
Was in the Burnley end (well seats in Bob Lord stand) when we won 1 nil, Burnley's ground was being done up & only gave us a small amount of tickets. When we scored, we couldn't help but jump up and cheer, loads more pool fans not far from us also jumped up. Got stick from Burnley fans but no trouble.
Was in the home end for Burnley away last season. That was tough , especially the last 25mins with our comeback, the mass brawl and the chances for either side to win it at the death.
Arrived late to Burnden park one Christmas and had to go in the Notlob end, at 16 during the 1970s it was a little tense, ....thank god we lost 😔
Was in the Burnley end (well seats in Bob Lord stand) when we won 1 nil, Burnley's ground was being done up & only gave us a small amount of tickets. When we scored, we couldn't help but jump up and cheer, loads more pool fans not far from us also jumped up. Got stick from Burnley fans but no trouble.
I had the underside of my seat repeatedly kicked all through the second half 🤣
Sheffield Wednesday
Burnley when I couldn't get a ticket in away end, together with many pool fans around me.
In Shef.Utd end behind the goal on the second tier with Paddy Kenny sat a few rows in front last year. Went through every emotion, 2-0 down to lead 3-2 at half-time, then sendings off and referee playing on until they scored with last kick of the game to make it 3-3. A few pints were needed back in Manchester afterwards.
Was in the away end once at Bloomfield Road, no idea why or who it was against .
I did the same the very first match I went to on my own. We beat Crewe 5-0, first year in Div4. I walked up to the Kop and just went through the first turnstile I came to. Realised my genuine schoolboy error when inside and asked to be transferred to our half.
Home end for

Sheffield Wednesday 1-1 around 2008 (Boxing Day)
Barnsley 1-3 win 2011 (Boxing Day)
Liverpool 1-2 win Was in the old Main Stand overlooking the Pool fans in the Anny Road end
Newcastle 4-1 defeat. Couldn't get a ticket in the gods so got one for the Gallowgate end. Was sussed for my constant moaning. Geordies took it easy with me in fairness.
Any games where you've had tickets in the wrong section?
We beat Derby 2-0 one Boxing Day and my wife's family are Rams fans and they got us tickets right next to them.
Was so hard not to join in with the Blackpool fans but I took great delight in boo'ing the Derby players
20 odd year ago, went in the Burnley end in a tangerine jacket. They loved me being there so much I was thrown down the concrete stand, luckily grabbing a chair on the way down to break my fall. Went back up and was dragged off the culprit by the police.
Away at Darlington McMahon era I think when we needed to win to stand any chance of going up. The friendly Darli fans said I was going to die, thankfully a policeman grabbed me at the end of the game ans sent me across the pitch to the Pool end.
Sat in the Finney Stand as a guest of Baxi for a cup defeat Free bar, meal etc, best seats* in dumpdale. Ellis hit the post after a couple of minutes and following that I had an 8 man steward private escort to the bogs, back to the bar at half time, back to my seat and advised to be kept in for almost 2hrs after the final whistle.
Sat in the Finney Stand as a guest of Baxi for a cup defeat Free bar, meal etc, best seats* in dumpdale. Ellis hit the post after a couple of minutes and following that I had an 8 man steward private escort to the bogs, back to the bar at half time, back to my seat and advised to be kept in for almost 2hrs after the final whistle.
I was at that game & when I got to the away stand realised I'd lost my ticket. Managed to pay a fiver & in on the old nobber kop. I really got to grips with understanding a suicide bomber mindset whilst being in there. Showed a copper my BFC tattoo & got escorted to the away stand. Alll the usual heckling. Loved it.
Finney stand for the famous Wes penalty.
Told to shut the fuck up after I'd pulled my hood up and was laughing my head off but still ended up in the black bull with the nobber fan who got me the ticket whilst waiting for Mrs Wizz to pick me up👍🏻
home end at Newcastle when we won there 3-0 in the League Cup early seventies. Also Sunderland away early seventies and drew 0-0. I honestly can't recall any others but I'm sure there must be some..
Burnden Park Boxing Day 1973. Bricks, bottles, coins even a toilet seat were thrown at us but we stayed there until the final whistle and then had to battle our way back to the train station. ..
Not unlike the old days at Bloomers when you could walk from the Kop to the south stand and mingle with the away the visiting fans.
Remember doing it when we played Blackburn in a midweek game.
I had a half and half scarf; God only knows why!🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Burnden Park Boxing Day 1973. Bricks, bottles, coins even a toilet seat were thrown at us but we stayed there until the final whistle and then had to battle our way back to the train station. ..
Remember it well. Our train ground to a halt in the middle of nowhere. Just made kickoff. Can vividly remember the toilet seat flying in my direction.
After relocating with work to the North East in 1997 apart from a couple of trips to the riverside always in the away end ( with Big Bertha sourcing tickets) so to Sunderland away December 2010 I along with another Blackpool supporting work colleague were invited to the match our hosts was the scaffolding company we worked with on a daily basis . We had a nice meal beers and wine before kick off and I noticed a couple of other Blackpool supporters in the lounge. Most were low key a tangerine tie or jumper but one young lady sat there proudly displaying her scarf. My colleague Bob even made it on the pitch as our hosts were the match balls sponsors he was under strict instructions from a formidable security officer not to attempt contact with any of the players. On to the match what a performance from the lads it resembled the 'Alamo' with Bob and I sat on our hands. Back to lounge for post match drinks and the MOM presentation in bounced DJ Campbell to claim his award from Nial Quinn at this point we threw caution to the wind to stand up and applaud the award
A Leeds Utd supporting friend of mine wanted to make a fuss of me when we were away to Leeds in 2011.Sat behind the dugout.
I can’t say it was ‘tough’- had to suffer a three course meal in the John Charles restaurant beforehand and then suffer the five Blackpool goals!
2010 an a friend of mine who lived in South Ribble and worked for a Bolton based company was given a hospitality package for 2 at the Reebok for our away game there. He decided that although he had no interest in football, he would go to the match and enjoy the day. But his wife had no interest in attending, so knowing I was a Blackpool fan he invited me to join him. I did get a few looks of disbelief after the meal and before the game when I removed my shirt and tangerine and white tie to reveal my Blackpool shirt
My mum and I watched Wes put that pen in from the Tom Finney (the tickets were free from a Nobber family friend who works at the club).

Needless to say, our hands were numb.
Think it was 1977 Away at Millwall The Old Den , My old man took me to the game whilst mother visited Nan(on her death bed) Father warned me sternly not to do anything if Blackpool scored luckily it ended 0-0
Sat in Charlton's West Stand on Saturday with my 9 year old son. Celebrated wildly for both goals without any bother though a couple of Charlton gave it back when the equalised.

I remember going to Scunthorpe for a FA cup game in late 80s early nineties (0-0) We beat them at Bloomers in the replay. Sat in the Scunthorpe end. I think there were six or eight of us loud and proud.
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PKE away, I was quite young but we won with a (Brett?) penalty. We were sat in corporate but Dad jumped up and went mad, I was certain we were going to be battered.
Goodson Park ..league cup game in 1980.. lost 3.0 and the locals weren’t overly friendly.. plus I remember seeing a dog getting hit by a car on the way there, which upset me much more than the result…
Probably far safer there than being with the away fans having the Bank of England coinage lobbed at them.
That was the first away game i took my lad to,wife was at home listening on the radio and not very amused ,he loved it and came home £8 richer. I was just a bit more concerned.
Millwall away in 1979 when they were fackin' evil, there with my mate Moggie who posts on here as FARGOnn.

We'd been drinking in a boozer miles away and ended up leggin' it to the ground after two train trips and went in the nearest turnstile.

Missed the kick-off and ended up standing wiv Fackin' Cants all over the bleedin' shop!😱😨🧡
Went to grimsby in the early eighties coach broke down and we got there at half time and the police put us in their end.
Think we lost 4-3
Gillingham away circa 2001. Junior bent made it 0 1 in the 89th minute only to be ruled offside. Gillingham scored the winner in 94th minute. Steve Banks had an amazing game in goal for the pool
Been in the home end v Newcastle when we lost 4-1, TSSJr1's best friend and his dad.

Done Boro when my brother in law was very poorly and we were given a box by MFC 2-2.

A little bit of verbals, but had kids with us, so it never amounted to much.
Preston nob end when they beat us 1 nil and Gimmy got kneed in the head by Archer. Some bint and her son making racist comments. I gave the pair a mouthful and walked out. Horrible
Was in corporate for the Cardiff Play Off Final - unfortunately I was working for the Admiral Group at the time ... whose main office was based in Cardiff!! So there was me, my mate and 10 Bluebirds 🤠