UPDATED 24/25: Links to League One clubs fans forums

Has anyone been on the Stevenage forum? WTAF is that? Only one worse is Fleetwood... 😅
Two towns that have football clubs by mistake. Oxford is probably another. Crawley. Milton Keynes. Harrogate. Wycombe. Sutton.
Butler will now miss Blackpool, and MacDonald will miss the next three. Four suspensions this season already, double the number we had all of last season.
Why do fans think we have a god given right to go straight back up? When he took over it was a 3 year plan we did it in one, that was the mistake cause the muppet’s on here have expected to much ever since,same people who said once we got rid of the oystons they would support the club even if we had to start again the same people not renewing saying there not going again laughable ** fans my arse 🖕
Why do fans think we have a god given right to go straight back up? When he took over it was a 3 year plan we did it in one, that was the mistake cause the muppet’s on here have expected to much ever since,same people who said once we got rid of the oystons they would support the club even if we had to start again the same people not renewing saying there not going again laughable ** fans my arse 🖕
It’s always a two year three year plan that seldom goes to plan. And fans like you are the best fans from the boards perspective…the happy to exist brigade. This year was our best shot at getting back to the championship where all our derbies are going to be. And we pissed it away. Bolton are no better than us this year ..just played to win more often than we did. Under the current management and approach to business we won’t see the championship again in my view for the next decade. So you’ll be a happy elite fan more than happy to keep having a pop at others who are intensely frustrated at the safety first uninspiring crap that leads us to mid table mediocrity.
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