Which is the best movie soundtrack

The Wall (even though the album came out a few years before the film).
The Runaways
Streets of Fire
20s 👍
The Big Country. Don't ask me what it's called, it's just great.
That would be my no 2 Dav but still a fair bit behind the M7 which I just love.
I've got an Elmer Bernstein CD and you'd be amazed how many great scores he's written.
Killingme.. I don't think you can include musicals because they play the music all the way through.
I love the musicals, and West Side Story was terrific.
Honourable mentions to. .
The Blues Brothers

More recently - Guardians of the Galaxy 👍
Good thread...
So many..

Love the remake of 'Solaris' soundtrack by Cliff Martinez..
and of course who can forget the most haunting use of Tubular Bells on The Exorcist :)
my idea of a movie soundtrack is a piece of music written specifically for that film. Not sure all the replies here do that.
Trainspotting, The Departed decent soundtracks - decent selection of tunes

Like the get carter soundtrack as an original music just for the film
Woodstock ( the original movie released in 1970 from the actual festival of 1969).
ok ...a bit of a cheat but some of that music is so so good😉
Mission Impossible
Some of the music to some of the Bond movies has been very good.
Not the best but quirky - The Pink Panther