Does anyone recognise the mug in the photograph below? Someone at my local found it in a charity shop and got it for me, knowing that I'm a big BFC fan. I've never seen it before. Also, there is a very obvious flaw I it given that the club was founded in 1887, not 1897 as suggested on the mug.
No pic to view 66' ?
I've got one of those mugs celebrating the 75th anniversary of being a Football League Club, I think, hence a later date than 1887.
Do you mean you were there that day? I was at the Bury 6-0 game but that was after Rowe's time. Micky Burns might have had a hat trick that day but my memory could be playing tricks there.
Do you mean you were there that day? I was at the Bury 6-0 game but that was after Rowe's time. Micky Burns might have had a hat trick that day but my memory could be playing tricks there.
I was there when GR scored a hat trick but I can't remember the team we played that day I'm afraid. I thought Bury rang a bell.
That picture was the start of season 1970/71 so we'd already beaten Preston by then.
If it was taken at the start of 1970/71 then the caption with the names on must have come a lot later. It says that Les Shannon has since left. That happened after the Chelsea debacle at Bloomfield Road.
If it was taken at the start of 1970/71 then the caption with the names on must have come a lot later. It says that Les Shannon has since left. That happened after the Chelsea debacle at Bloomfield Road.
Yes he went soon after the infamous Chelsea defeat. That pic is the pre season shoot with Tony Coleman the only addition to the promotion winning squad.
How good was Thompson the Keeper, looks very short?
Can't remember who was in goals against Chelsea (my first Pool game).
I remember Peter Bonetti being injured, he was replaced by a keeper called John Phillips.
Chelsea were my second team at the time, they had some great players.
Harry for Scotland!! The kop loved him. He was very good.
The crazy Birmingham fan who climbed up the floodlight circa 1989 and stayed up there for the full 90 mins must have had a good view. The Zulus in the Kop attacked their own fans in the East Paddock...a ruse to lure the Police in to the sandwich and then all hell broke loose. We won 3-2, their CB Vincent Overson headed over his keeper for an own goal. Imagine all that happening and the game going ahead now, no chance.