Old Nightclubs

Locals card always worked for me, Tuesday nights were the best after footy training and a few beers in the Dunes. They tended to let in the girls who were on holiday but not the lads which was 👍 for us
Number 3 Wine Bar then the Lemon Tree Friday, never a member but Matt on the door always let us in if we slipped him a few quid
Trader Jacks if we fancied a change.
Think man Fridays was our preferred club & then sands. £5 membership to walk past all the holiday makers & in.
Nobody’s mentioned Charlie’s Bar more or less facing the old Coliseum bus station on Lytham Road. It was the Dive of Dives! Remember going one night and fresh blood was splattered all along the wall on the way down the stairs to the bar, always full of jocks and bus conductors after finishing their shifts. The things you did back in the 70’s just to get a late night drink! Hic.
Nobody’s mentioned Charlie’s Bar more or less facing the old Coliseum bus station on Lytham Road. It was the Dive of Dives! Remember going one night and fresh blood was splattered all along the wall on the way down the stairs to the bar, always full of jocks and bus conductors after finishing their shifts. The things you did back in the 70’s just to get a late night drink! Hic.
Went in there once Al the place was your worst nightmare!
Saturday night, hop inn- brannigans-addisons-that dodgy kebab place next to the shalimar gardens- castle casino- some random playing field at 10 am to get beaten heavily in the bfsa
napoleons - owned by the Slack family - I used to dj there - you sat in a boat
Used to go in Naps a lot back in the day. If not there Slack Alice, behind the Viking. Got fed up of trying to go out in town, always told wasn’t old enough. ( I was early mid 20’s)
Charlies bar was ace, one of those places you never entered sober! What about the Night Owl? Truly shite, but we went there a good few times. Also the Illawalla - another venue for the familiar depressing diet of pish music and tommy tankers in white jackets and kicker boots, but at least providing opportunity a late pint or six within acceptable route march distance from home.
Nobody’s mentioned Charlie’s Bar more or less facing the old Coliseum bus station on Lytham Road. It was the Dive of Dives! Remember going one night and fresh blood was splattered all along the wall on the way down the stairs to the bar, always full of jocks and bus conductors after finishing their shifts. The things you did back in the 70’s just to get a late night drink! Hic.
How I missed your post, I've got no idea! Thanks Levi! Yes, memories, memories, most of them good ones!
Charlies bar was ace, one of those places you never entered sober! What about the Night Owl? Truly shite, but we went there a good few times. Also the Illawalla - another venue for the familiar depressing diet of pish music and tommy tankers in white jackets and kicker boots, but at least providing opportunity a late pint or six within acceptable route march distance from home.
The Night Owl 🤣🤣🤣 went there a few times too!
Going back to the early to mid sixties ( before my time) it was virtually impossible to obtain a late licence and one of the few nightclubs was the “Ascot club” near Coronation Street traffic lights. It had a midnight licence and frequented by the Walsh gang. Police regularly raided the place.
Then the Mecca opened which was my first taste of nightlife. The Queens disco in Cleveleys ( my first regular haunt) was 11pm last orders.
By the late 60’s the nightclub boom was underway with the opening of 007 and Lemon Tree.

Anyone on here visit the Ascot club?
Going back to the early to mid sixties ( before my time) it was virtually impossible to obtain a late licence and one of the few nightclubs was the “Ascot club” near Coronation Street traffic lights. It had a midnight licence and frequented by the Walsh gang. Police regularly raided the place.
Then the Mecca opened which was my first taste of nightlife. The Queens disco in Cleveleys ( my first regular haunt) was 11pm last orders.
By the late 60’s the nightclub boom was underway with the opening of 007 and Lemon Tree.

Anyone on here visit the Ascot club?
Yep - got nutted in there when my mates got involved in a fight! It was a bit If a dump - although it did have some interesting entertainment 😎
Fell asleep in the Night Owl one night behind the DJ stand. Woke up at 4am place in darkness managed to find my way out the front door.
I thought it was Barney Rubbles above the 'Tache but whatever It was called it was a manky ol dive and the few local ladies I spoke to accused me of speaking posh even tho I don't and didn't. Quite often get granny, mum n daughter all out on the pull together.
Munters each and every one 😁
No mention of Secrets owned by Pete Schofield.

We knew the doormen at the Jäger Bier Kellar Opposite Central Pier. They normally only allowed couples and single women. That was by far the easiest place for us to score in Blackpool. Couldn’t fail and the cream of the crop!
I certainly got my Oats under the Pier!
Hoofed out of there, long story, not my fault.
Hilarious how me and John Robb used to get done regularly by bouncers at every shithole in town. But we were weird back then.
If only we wore floppy pastel belts on balloon jeans 😉
Used to frequent the Gynn, Then onto those clubs named previously, South shore - was that Scamps or something? Dixieland on C pier?? Recall the Touchdown Tavern by the bus station - awful gaff. Baldie bouncer dragged a guy I knew out on the quiet and slapped him - he'd made the mistake of calling him Kojak. Man Fidays? Brian London on the door of 007. Had to pick your venue - too many dickheads about looking for a tear up.
Got thrown out of the Mardi Gras many years ago wankers. Some friends wound the Herbert’s on the door up a few weeks earlier by pretending to be foreign & using a mainly made up language & argued the toss for a considerable time trying to get in. To no avail. Then said in English oh well we weren’t bothered anyway, before retreating rather rapidly 😂
Remember an evening in the Gynn then rolling over to Savoy that at the time had a nice wine bar on the end that seemed to stay open beyond 11pm - the closing time in those days. I'd somehow got matey with the manager who's mate was Stan MacEwen - so recall having a great beer or two with them. We were 4th tier then - desperate -days, Nobby's head, Terry Pashley's shooting - cows arse & a banjo, young Hesford in goal - when he wasn't painting the Mariners ... Stan was better than that.
Planters, Sporting club Fleetwood, Castle casino, when Jack Pye had it.
Castle casinowas brilliant after the clubs shut at 2.am , free breakfast or they went through a patch where you could have a free chink,….,ah I think that’s racist now so Chinese
Planters was great , enty is probably out
Of prison now,broadways, always Fleetwood on a Thursday, if you couldn’t pull in Fleetwood you were either really ugly or had a shit personality, thinking about it I never pulled in Fleetwood, it was probably down to that pink aftershave I used to wear, very popular at the time though, anyone reminded what it was called?
No 3.
Tue, Adam and Eve. Chaple st Half price drinks
wed, 007,Water st half price
Thur, 008 Topping st Half price
Happy days.
I met Mrs H in Addisons nearly 30 years ago so a bit of a soft spot going on but i always seemed to end up in Trader Jacks for the last hour.

Mondays 10pence a pint in Bunters
Tuesdays Half-price drinks in Secrets
Weds Grab a Granny at Springs
Thurs See Tuesday
Friday Adam & Eve Sands Brannigans Waterfront Rumours Secrets Addisons Traders ( perm any 5 from 8)
Saturday See Friday
Sunday Rumours and any venue with midnight charity licence
No trips to Lemon Tree then ? 😆🕺🕺🕺🕺
I can't actually remember for sure but I think I got invited to an Arnold disco when about 15 by a friend, I think that may have been my first. Shortly followed by Thames Rd Disco after playing snooker & having a beer or 2 in Hampton Rd club. It had to be the odd beer because 14p a pint wasn't to be sneered at, especially with pocket money being tight.